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The rustoner project aims to create a description logic reasoner in rust. Benefit ting of the fast nature of the language, we aim to combine logic with newly developed numeric ideas to enhance query answering


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rustoner: a Description Logic reasoner written in rust


Description Logics allow for fast and accurate reasoner systems. It is the main objective of DLs. They are the theoric base for the Semantic Web. This project has a first objective to implement in rust a reasoner for the simple logic DL_lite_r.

DLs works like model theory, where you have axioms (that we put in a TBox) and also some grounded knowledge (that we put in ABoxes). From this you can, under the limitations of the logic that you use (DL_lite_r here), ask questions (queries), know if there are problems in your data (consistency verification) and sometimes ask for implicit information in your data (reasoning and inference).


There are already several DL reasoners, even for more complex logics than DL_lite_r, you can go here for a (non exhaustive) list of them. The objective of this reasoner is to implement quantification of inconsistency. Mainly this work: Logic-Based Ranking of Assertions inInconsistent ABoxes.

What for

This tool is thought to be used as a backend to generate rankings for inconsistent knowledge bases and pipelined in more complex systems. Nevertheless you can play with it and even generate conflict graphs for exploratory analysis.



To compile and play with its code you will of course need rust and git.


You will need the dot tool, that you should install following this link


The ranking algorithm use the fftw library. You will need it.

  • if in a linux system use your package manager to install it, e.g. Debian based system : apt install libfftw3-dev
  • for windows if you compile from source the go to this link to know how to install and link the library
  • for windows if you download the executable then there should be two files in the bin directory, the rustoner executable and also a .dll file. This is the dynamic fftw3 library and both executable and dll files should always be in the same directory


Simply clone the repository and compile the code yourself or go to one of the releases to get the executable or binary file and do stuff. This README functions also as a tutorial and it's shipped with both types of releases.


While support is being added for other syntax, the more easy way in the present is the native syntax. To declare a tbox write a file (for example) are_men_mortals:

// this file is: are_men_mortals
concept : Man // concepts are unary relations
concept : Human
concept : Mortal
concept : Chicken
role : eats // and roles are binary relations (that we don't use in this really simple example)
ENDSYMBOL // you can put a comment here if you want

Man < Human
Human < Mortal
Chicken < Mortal
Human < NOT Chicken // a human is NOT chicken

This tbox says that a man is a human, a human is a mortal, a chicken is also mortal and that humans are not chickens. You begin by declaring the symbols that use and their type:

concept: Human

all symbols declaration must be between BEGINSYMBOL and ENDSYMBOL clauses. The axioms are between BEGINTBOX and ENDTBOX clauses. To declare subsumption simply use <. You can also use = to denote equivalence, for example to say that a fish is the same thing that a poisson (fish in french), you can write Fish = Poisson, note that this is nothing more than a shorcut for

Fish < Poisson
Poisson < Fish

You can go see this paper Tractable Reasoning and Efficient Query Answeringin Description Logics: The DL-Lite Family for fully detailed definition of DL-lite (here we use the extension DL-lite_r). Resuming:

  • if Mortal is a concept symbol then
      NOT Mortal
    are valid declarations
  • if eats is a role symbol then
      INV eats // stands for the inverse relation
      NOT eats
      EXISTS eats
      EXISTS INV eats
    are valid declarations
  • you cannot have negation on the left hand of your axioms:
    NOT Chicken < Human // this is not good 
    Human < NOT Chicken // this is


The notation for aboxes is the same, only that, because aboxes are relative to a tbox, no need for symbol declaration:

// this file is: a_man
Socrates: Man
Socrates, Apple: eats

the notation should be self explanatory.


You have a variety of tasks:

  • TBox related:
    • verify tbox: see if they are potentially contradictions in you axioms
    • generate tree: create tree where edges go from group of axioms to axioms implied by them
  • ABox related:
    • verify abox: same as tbox, for here conflicts are not potential
    • clean abox: produce a new abox without self conflicting facts
    • rank abox: produce a rank for the facts in the abox that should reflect their quality with respect to inner structure (given by the tbox) and an initial (optional) opinion coming from you

verify tbox

Suppose you have the following tbox:

// this file is: are_men_mortals_contradiction
concept: Man
concept: Human
concept: Mortal

Man < Human
Human < Mortal
Mortal < NOT Man

and you ask yourself if there is a problem. Then you could do the follwing:

./rustoner_dllite --task vertb --tbox are_men_mortals_contradiction 

where you specify the task verify tbox with --task vertb and a the tbox file with --tbox are_men_mortals_contradiction. Then, after answering yes whenever asked, you should get the following output:

 -- possible contradictions were found
 -- do you want to see the contradictions? (Y/n) 
  Man < NOT Man,
 -- do you want unravel for conflicts? (Y/n) 
  level 2: {
     tbi: Man < NOT Man
     impliers: [Man < Mortal, Mortal < NOT Man, ]
               [Man < Human, Human < NOT Man, ]
     impliers 1
         tbi: Man < Mortal
         impliers: [Man < Human, Human < Mortal, ]
     impliers 2
         tbi: Human < NOT Man
         impliers: [Mortal < NOT Man, Human < Mortal, ]

and you can backtrack from where your (possible) contradiction came from, going back to the original axioms.

generate tree

Same as before take the following tbox (the one from the initial example):

// this file is: are_men_mortals
concept : Man // concept are unary relations
concept : Human
concept : Mortal
concept : Chicken
role : eats // and role are binary relations (that we don't use in this really simple example)
ENDSYMBOL // you can put a comment here if you want

Man < Human
Human < Mortal
Chicken < Mortal
Human < NOT Chicken

if you want to see all consequences and from where they come from then:

./rustoner_dllite --task gencontb --tbox are_men_mortals   

you should get:

  level 0: {
      tbi: Man < Human
      tbi: Human < Mortal
      tbi: Chicken < Mortal
      tbi: Human < NOT Chicken
  level 1: {
      tbi: Chicken < NOT Human
      impliers: [Human < NOT Chicken, ]
      tbi: Man < NOT Chicken
      impliers: [Human < NOT Chicken, Man < Human, ]
      tbi: Man < Mortal
      impliers: [Human < Mortal, Man < Human, ]
  level 2: {
      tbi: Chicken < NOT Man
      impliers: [Man < NOT Chicken, ]
  level 3: {

and you can see all consequences generated from the initials axioms (level 0) and which axioms generate each one of them.

You can also generate a graph (dot notation) if you want:

 -- do you want to create a deduction graph by dot notation? (Y/n) 
 -- dot file created:

the file look like this:

digraph {
    0 [ label = "\"LV2: Chicken ⊑ ¬ Man\"" ]
    1 [ label = "\"R1: X⊑¬Y → Y⊑¬X\"" shape=square color=red]
    2 [ label = "\"R1\"" shape=square color=red]
    3 [ label = "\"LV1: Man ⊑ ¬ Chicken\"" ]
    4 [ label = "\"LV1: Chicken ⊑ ¬ Human\"" ]
    5 [ label = "\"R1\"" shape=square color=red]
    6 [ label = "\"LV0: Human ⊑ ¬ Chicken\"" ]
    7 [ label = "\"R2: X⊑Y, Y⊑Z → X⊑Z\"" shape=square color=red]
    8 [ label = "\"R2\"" shape=square color=red]
    9 [ label = "\"LV0: Man ⊑ Human\"" ]
    10 [ label = "\"LV1: Man ⊑ Mortal\"" ]
    11 [ label = "\"R2\"" shape=square color=red]
    12 [ label = "\"LV0: Human ⊑ Mortal\"" ]
    13 [ label = "\"LV0: Chicken ⊑ Mortal\"" ]
    2 -> 0 [ color="black"]
    3 -> 2 [ color="black"]
    5 -> 4 [ color="black"]
    6 -> 5 [ color="black"]
    8 -> 3 [ color="black"]
    6 -> 8 [ color="black"]
    9 -> 8 [ color="black"]
    11 -> 10 [ color="black"]
    12 -> 11 [ color="black"]
    9 -> 11 [ color="black"]

if you have the dot binary (or executable) compiled with Cairo, then you can generate yourself an output:

 -- do you want see a generate a visual output? (Y/n) 
 -- file generated: are_men_mortals_consequences.pdf

be careful however, it can be a easily understandable graph as the following: alt text as it can be a nightmare!!: alt text

complete tbox

Most of the work for abox related task is done dynamically, in the sense that tbox induced axioms are not generated and only used when necessary, nevertheless you can chose to create a fully unraveled tbox to avoid intermediary computation. You should do the following:

./rustoner_dllite --task ctb --tbox are_men_mortals            

and you get:

 -- do you want to see the output? (Y/n) 
 -- <TBox>
     : Man (<) Human
     : Human (<) Mortal
     : Chicken (<) Mortal
     : Human (<) -Chicken
     : Chicken (<) -Human
     : Chicken (<) -Man
     : Man (<) -Chicken
     : Man (<) Mortal

Note: this is valid for all tasks that produce an output. You can dedice to dump the result to a file with the option

--output name_of_my_file

somewhere in you command, for example:

./rustoner_dllite --task ctb --tbox are_men_mortals --output are_men_mortals_complete --silent



option avoid all prompting.

verify abox

You can verify the consistency of you abox too. Always the same tbox and the abox:

// this file is: a_man_contradiction
Socrates: Man
Featherless_biped: Man
Featherless_biped: Chicken

Use the the following:

./rustoner_dllite --task verab --tbox are_men_mortals --abox a_man_contradiction      

and if you answer yes to every prompt you get the long output:

 -- be sure to have an abox without self conflicting facts before going further, you can use the 'cleanab' task for this
 -- contradictions were found
 -- do you want to see them (Y/n) 
      tbi: Man < Human
      abis: Featherless_biped : Man, (pv: 1, v: NC)
            Featherless_biped : NOT Human, (pv: 1, v: NC)
      tbi: Human < NOT Chicken
      abis: Featherless_biped : Human, (pv: 1, v: NC)
            Featherless_biped : Chicken, (pv: 1, v: NC)
      tbi: Chicken < NOT Man
      abis: Featherless_biped : Chicken, (pv: 1, v: NC)
            Featherless_biped : Man, (pv: 1, v: NC)
 -- do you want unravel for conflicts? (Y/n) 
  level 1: {
     abi: Featherless_biped : Human, (pv: 1, v: NC)
           1: tbis: [Man < Human, ]
           1: abis: [Featherless_biped : Man, (pv: 1, v: NC), ]
     abi: Featherless_biped : NOT Human, (pv: 1, v: NC)
           1: tbis: [Chicken < NOT Human, ]
           1: abis: [Featherless_biped : Chicken, (pv: 1, v: NC), ]
  level 0: {
     abi: Featherless_biped : Man, (pv: 1, v: NC)
     abi: Featherless_biped : Chicken, (pv: 1, v: NC)
 -- if you see that one sole element might be sprouting conflicts, use the 'cleanab' task to clean the abox from self conflicting facts

clean abox

Look a this ontology:

// this file is: university_tbox
concept: Person
concept: Professor
concept: Course
role: teaches

Professor < Person
Person < NOT Course
EXISTS teaches < Professor
EXISTS INV teaches < Course

with the abox:

// this file is: university_abox_self_contradicting
Ava: Professor
John, John: teaches

in part, the tbox says that someone who teaches is a professor, something taught is a course and (following the implications) that a professor is not a course. But in the abox we have the assertion John, John: teaches which is self contradictory. You can separate this abox in two different, one clean one dirty, using

./rustoner_dllite --task cleanab --tbox university_tbox --abox university_abox_self_contradicting

you get:

 -- be sure to have an abox without self conflicting facts before going further, you can use the 'cleanab' task for this
 -- clean abox:
     : Ava : Professor (pv: 1, v: NC)
 -- dirty abox:
     : John,John : teaches (pv: 1, v: NC)
 -- wrote clean abox to university_abox_self_contradicting_clean
 -- wrote clean abox to university_abox_self_contradicting_dirty

with the files being:

Ava : Professor, 1

the dirty one

John, John: teaches, 1

complete abox

You can complete an abox using:

./rustoner_dllite --task cab --tbox are_men_mortals --abox a_man

using the abox:

// this file is: a_man
Socrates: Man
Socrates, Apple: eats

you should get the output:

 -- abox:

     : Socrates : Man (pv: 1, v: NC)
     : Socrates : Human (pv: 1, v: NC)
     : Socrates : Mortal (pv: 1, v: NC)
     : Socrates : E.(eats) (pv: 1, v: NC)
     : Apple : E.((eats^-)) (pv: 1, v: NC)
     : Socrates : -Chicken (pv: 1, v: NC)
     : Socrates,Apple : eats (pv: 1, v: NC)

rembember that you can always write to a file with

 --output name_of_my_file

rank abox

Even if this section is relatively small compared to others, tbox: generate tree for example, is here where the magic happens. The algorithm behind the abox ranking is capable of grasping the implicit structure induced by a tbox acting over an abox and produce an quantitative assessment of quality that is relatively independent of the subjective opinion of trust given by the user, if you have doubts about your data, then this section is for you.

It is heavily encouraged to go to Graphviz and setup the dot binary if you want automated generation of graph images.

If your abox has some inconsistencies that are not self contradiction (thus not trivially false) it might be difficult to decide what is better and what is worts. You can help yourself by ranking the assertions in the abox in terms of their inner interactions. Take the following tbox:

// this file is: university_tbox
concept: Person
concept: Professor
concept: Student
concept: Course
role: teaches
role: attends

Professor < Person
Student < Person
Person < NOT Course
Student < NOT Professor
EXISTS teaches < Professor
EXISTS attends < Student
EXISTS INV teaches < Course
EXISTS INV attends < Course

and the following abox (which have several contradictions):

// this file is: university_abox
John: Professor
Ava: Student
DB2: Course
KR: Course
John, DB2: teaches
John, KR: attends
Ava, IA: attends
Bob, KR: attends

you can use the following:

./rustoner_dllite --task rankab --tbox university_tbox --abox university_abox

if you answer yes to all prompts you get:

 -- be sure to have an abox without self conflicting facts before going further, you can use the 'cleanab' task for this
 -- do you want to see the output? (Y/n) 
     : John : Professor (pv: 1, v: 1.0018560833972223)
     : Ava : Student (pv: 1, v: 1.0421260040186242)
     : DB2 : Course (pv: 1, v: 1.040498167431316)
     : KR : Course (pv: 1, v: 1.0807680880527177)
     : John,DB2 : teaches (pv: 1, v: 0.9613579159659066)
     : John,KR : attends (pv: 1, v: 0.9172976391734095)
     : Ava,IA : attends (pv: 1, v: 1)
     : Bob,KR : attends (pv: 1, v: 1)
 -- do you want to create a conflict graph? (Y/n) 
 -- conflict graph created
 -- do you want to save to dot notation? (Y/n) 
 -- dot file created:
 -- do you want see a generate a visual output? (Y/n) 
 -- file generated: university_abox_conflict_graph.pdf

Several things to note:

  • if no a priori value is given for the facts, it defaults to 1.
  • a dot file is created so you can generate graphs in several formats:
    digraph {
      0 [ label = "John : Professor, v: 1.0018560833972223" ]
      1 [ label = "Ava : Student, v: 1.0421260040186242" ]
      2 [ label = "DB2 : Course, v: 1.040498167431316" ]
      3 [ label = "KR : Course, v: 1.0807680880527177" ]
      4 [ label = "John, DB2: teaches, v: 0.9613579159659066" ]
      5 [ label = "John, KR: attends, v: 0.9172976391734095" ]
      6 [ label = "Ava, IA: attends, v: 1" ]
      7 [ label = "Bob, KR: attends, v: 1" ]
      4 -> 0 [ color="green"]
      5 -> 0 [ color="red"]
      6 -> 1 [ color="green"]
      4 -> 2 [ color="green"]
      5 -> 3 [ color="green"]
      7 -> 3 [ color="green"]
      5 -> 4 [ color="red"]
      0 -> 5 [ color="red"]
      4 -> 5 [ color="red"]
  • if the dot binary was compiled using cairo then a pdf file can be generated, otherwise it will fail. You can nevertheless go to an online dot viewer, for example Viz.js and put there the generated dot file.
  • you can give different a priori value to your assertions in a way that reflects your trust in each fact:
    // this file is: university_abox_scaled
    John: Professor, 100
    Ava: Student, 100
    DB2: Course, 100
    KR: Course, 100
    John, DB2: teaches, 100
    John, KR: attends, 80
    Ava, IA: attends, 110
    Bob, KR: attends, 100
    before and after computing the rank assertions are normalized un unnormalized respectively you will get the following rank:
       : John : Professor (pv: 100, v: 110.94115281535055)
       : Ava : Student (pv: 100, v: 114.47751638672712)
       : DB2 : Course (pv: 100, v: 113.95880348924148)
       : KR : Course (pv: 100, v: 117.0881201163701)
       : John,DB2 : teaches (pv: 100, v: 106.98234932610907)
       : John,KR : attends (pv: 80, v: 101.93590039759216)
       : Ava,IA : attends (pv: 110, v: 110)
       : Bob,KR : attends (pv: 100, v: 110)

In any case, the pdf file, or the image generated by you, should be something like this:

alt text


You can find the examples here in the examples directory.

Benchmarks are currently being implemented with the Criterion crate as well as some inner benchmarks, everything lives in the benches directory.

You can compile yourself the project or simply take the binary in bin.


  • allow for xml and owl parsing of ontologies
  • implement solver for SHIQ logic
  • build a minimal graphic interface
  • make available through




The complexity curve of the ranking algorithm looks like this (benching interpolation, should have done with Fourier too...):

-3.20298×10^-15 x^6 + 4.93717×10^-12 x^5 - 1.62767×10^-9 x^4 + 2.97294×10^-7 x^3 - 1.06346×10^-6 x^2 - 0.000120952 x + 0.00170206


The rustoner project aims to create a description logic reasoner in rust. Benefit ting of the fast nature of the language, we aim to combine logic with newly developed numeric ideas to enhance query answering








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