Go library and commandline client for interacting with the Intigriti external API.
Checkout the autogenerated SDK docs on pkg.go.dev.
# list out all company programs
# also try: inti c list
% inti company list-programs
# list out all company submissions across all programs
# also try: inti c sub
% inti company list-submissions
# verify if a specific IP address is linked to an Intigriti user
# also try: inti c ip
% inti company check-ip
Ensure the external API enabled on your company account and an integration is created with a redirect URI value of http://localhost:1337/
Afterwards create the following local configuration file:
log.level: info
client_id: YOUR-CLIENT-ID
client_secret: YOUR-CLIENT-SECRET
For the first call it will ask you to perform browser interaction to authenticate.
Future calls will not need to since your token will be cached in your configuration file.
API Swagger documentation is available on the ReadMe.
package main
import (
intigriti "github.com/hazcod/go-intigriti/pkg/api"
func main() {
// this will require manual logon every time your code runs
// look into persisting the TokenCache so refresh tokens can be saved
// this will also launch an interactive Browser window to authenticate,
// look at config.OpenBrowser and config.TokenCache to prevent this
// or how the cli does it at https://github.com/hazcod/go-intigriti/blob/2eeb6a9fcee42fc4ac1ada7f5dc6d2db5446c15d/cmd/config/config.go#L86
inti, err := intigriti.New(config.Config{
Credentials: struct {
ClientID string
ClientSecret string
ClientID: "my-integration-client-id",
ClientSecret: "my-integration-client-secret",
if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) }
programs, err := inti.GetPrograms()
if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) }
for _, program := range programs {
# test on production using inti.yml
go test -tags integration -v ./...
# test on staging using inti.yml
INTI_TOKEN_URL=="testing.api.com" INTI_AUTH_URL=="subs.testing.api.com" INTI_API_URL="api.testing.com" go test -tags integration -v ./...