- The purpose of this repository is for web developers to generate a simple logo for their projects.
- Click here for a video demo of this application.
- Click here to see a sample SVG logo.
- You will be presented with a series of questions, after answering the questions, your answers will be captured AND the output text "Generated logo.svg" is printed in the command line:
- Then an SVG file is created named
in the exmaples folder:
- When you open the
file in a browser, you are shown a 300x200 pixel image that matches the criteria you entered:
- Please notice the following:
- You will be presented with a list for the shapes:
- You can choose colors by either entering color keyword or a hexadecimal number:
- All tests are passing:
- An error will be thrown if text is more than 3 characters:
- Bootcamp Materials
- Test files: shapes.test.js and svg.test.js were provided by TA
- Challenge demonstration by TA in class
- shapes.test.js and shapes.js file demonstration by instructor in class
- Worked with tutor
- Worked with AskBCS Learning Assistant
- SVG Explained in 100 Seconds
- Inquirer Package for collecting input from the user.
- Jest Package for running the unit tests.
- SVG VS Code extension
- VS Code
- Screencastify
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