These are the steps for installing an ARCH system. You can find a link to the installation guide here...
Follow the install instructions up until pacstrap... DO NOT USE PACSTRAP YET!
Move the 'pkg' folder to the /var/cache/pacman/ folder
Install the base system using pacstap and follow the instructions until the end a. pacstrap /mnt base base-devel git make linux linux-lts linux-lts-headers linux-headers vim man-db networkmanager connman
Install the aur a. cd $HOME/.gitstuff b. git clone c. cd yay-git d. makepkg -si e. OR you can use the install yay script
Install you packages a. pacman -S --needed - < packages-native.txt b. yay -S --needed - < packages-aur.txt
Install LVIM a. curl -o- | bash b. curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh c. LV_BRANCH='release-1.2/neovim-0.8' bash <(curl -s
Install chezmoi a. sudo su && b. cd / && c. sh -c "$(curl -fsLS" && d. exit e. apply config files i. chezmoi init --apply
Enable the services systemctl enable --now 7 - Last steps
Go into firefox to the about:profiles page and make a new profile using the folder that you from your repo
Set your background with Nitrogen if you are using a WM
Set your betterlockscreen (-u) with the same wallpaper
set up your crontab