- https://github.com/votchallenge/vot-toolkit VOT. Visual Object Tracking (VOT) challenge evaluation toolkit
- https://github.com/foolwood/benchmark_results visual tracker benchmark results
- https://github.com/HEscop/TBCF Tracking Benchmark for Correlation Filters
- https://github.com/oxuva/long-term-tracking-benchmark Long-term Tracking in the Wild: A Benchmark
- https://github.com/visionml/pytracking Visual tracking library based on PyTorch. A general python framework for training and running visual object trackers, based on PyTorch.
- https://github.com/rockkingjy/OpenTracker OpenTracker. Real-time C++ ECO tracker etc. speed-up by SSE/NEON, support Linux, Mac, Jetson TX1/2, raspberry pi
- https://github.com/martin-danelljan/ECO ECO. Matlab implementation of the ECO tracker.
- https://github.com/shenjianbing/Occlusion-aware-real-time-object-tracking- This MATLAB code is an implementation of the occlusion aware visual tracking method proposed in "Occlusion-aware real-time object tracking"
- https://github.com/xgniu/Context-based-Occlusion-Detection-Tracking This is the code for “Context-based occlusion detection for robust visual tracking”
- https://github.com/shenjianbing/Occlusion-aware-real-time-object-tracking- This MATLAB code is an implementation of "Occlusion-aware real-time object tracking"
- https://github.com/xgniu/Context-based-Occlusion-Detection-Tracking A framework for detecting occlusion in visual tracking in "Context-based occlusion detection for robust visual tracking"
- https://github.com/vojirt/asms This C++ code implements a tracking pipeline of Scale Adaptive Mean-Shift method.
- https://github.com/tikroeger/OF_DIS Fast Optical Flow using Dense Inverse Search (DIS). also in opencv.
- https://github.com/ExtremeMart/multi-object-tracking-paper-list Paper list and source code for multi-object-tracking
- https://github.com/huanglianghua/mot-papers Papers
- https://github.com/samuelmurray/tracking-by-detection Multiple object tracking (MOT) algorithm implemented in C++. Code for "Real-Time Multiple Object Tracking: A Study on the Importance of Speed".
- https://github.com/abewley/sort SORT is a barebones implementation of a visual multiple object tracking framework based on rudimentary data association and state estimation techniques.
- https://github.com/ZidanMusk/experimenting-with-sort Experimenting with sort different classical tracking algorithms for real time multiple object tracking (MOT)
- https://github.com/srianant/kalman_filter_multi_object_tracking Multiple object tracking using Kalman Filter and Hungarian Algorithm - OpenCV
- https://github.com/tntrung/human_detection_tracking A C/C++ implementation of pedestrian detection and tracking." Online Multiperson Tracking-by-Detection from a Single, Uncalibrated Camera, PAMI 2011."
- https://github.com/eveningglow/multi-object-tracker Multiple objects tracker using openCV and dlib
- https://github.com/hariharsubramanyam/ObjectTracker Multiple object tracking with a fixed, overhead camera using background subtraction and Kalman filters
- https://github.com/yuxng/MDP_Tracking codes of MDP. "Learning to Track: Online Multi-Object Tracking by Decision Making"
- https://github.com/utkarshtandon/GMCP-Tracker-Python-Implementation This human tracking algorithm is a Python implementation of the paper "GMCP-Tracker: Global Multi-object Tracking Using Generalized Minimum Clique Graphs"
- https://github.com/jonatanolofsson/mht Python implementation of the Multiple Hypothesis Tracking algorithm. An implementation of the Multiple Hypothesis Tracking filter, implemented for educational purposes and for the purpose of the article ''Spatially Indexed Clustering for Scalable Tracking of Remotely Sensed Drift Ice'. n particular, this implementation studies the use of Spatial Indexing in the MHT clustering process.
- https://github.com/jonperdomo/openmht Python module for multiple hypothesis tracking. Based on the article "Multiple Hypothesis Tracking Revisited"
- https://github.com/MetricCV/mht Matlab and python implementation of MHT
- https://github.com/WeatherGod/MHT C implementation of MHT.
- https://github.com/blefaudeux/gmphd c++ implementation of a Gaussian-Mixtures Probability Hypothesis Density (GM-PHD) filter for multitarget tracking in a bayesian framework
- https://github.com/danstowell/gmphd GM-PHD filter implementation in python (Gaussian mixture probability hypothesis density filter)
- https://github.com/STVIR/pysot SenseTime Research platform for single object tracking, implementing algorithms like SiamRPN and SiamMask.
- https://github.com/bertinetto/cfnet Training a Correlation Filter end-to-end allows lightweight networks of 2 layers (600 kB) to high performance at fast speed [CVPR'17] http://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~luca/cfnet.html
- https://github.com/bertinetto/siamese-fc Arbitrary object tracking at 50-100 FPS with Fully Convolutional Siamese networks.
- https://github.com/foolwood/DCFNet DCFNet: Discriminant Correlation Filters Network for Visual Tracking
- https://github.com/foolwood/SiamMask Fast Online Object Tracking and Segmentation: A Unifying Approach [CVPR2019]
- https://github.com/foolwood/DaSiamRPN Distractor-aware Siamese Networks for Visual Object Tracking [ECCV2018]
- https://github.com/torrvision/siamfc-tf SiamFC tracking in TensorFlow.
- https://github.com/unsky/siameseNet siamese net on caffe using own data
- https://github.com/JKozerawski/siamese-network Implementation of Siamese Neural Network in Caffe
- https://github.com/ptran/siamese-network-ex dlib implementation of Siamese Network Training with Caffe
- https://github.com/researchmm/SiamDW Deeper and Wider Siamese Networks for Real-Time Visual Tracking