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graphql server (queries & mutations), express, mongoose, passport, jwt

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graphql-server template

Technologies : nodejs express graphql mongoose

Guidelines :

  1. install dependencies :
npm install graphql express express-graphql --save
  1. configure lint :
npm install eslint --save-dev
./node_modules/.bin/eslint --init
  1. add a /server/server.js file in this file we will configure our gql server. we start by configure a simple express server
//express config 
const express = require('express')
const expressGraphQL = require('express-graphql')

// Create an express instance
const app = express()

// Connect with graphql and the graphiql panel
const gqlPath = process.env.GRAPHQL_APP_PATH || '/graphql'
console.log('gqlPath : ', gqlPath)
app.use(gqlPath, expressGraphQL({
  graphiql: true

// Start server
const portNumber = process.env.GRAPHQL_APP_PORT || 4000
console.log('portNumber : ', portNumber)
app.listen(portNumber, () => {
  console.log('Server is running...')
  1. configure dotenv :
npm install dotenv --save

in index.js file and before any load :

//dot env configuration
var dotenv = require('dotenv')
console.log('Your environment variable GRAPHQL_APP_PATH has the value: ', process.env.GRAPHQL_APP_PATH)

//launch server after loading env var
  1. add cors, mongoose and bluebird
npm install cors mongoose bluebird --save
  1. add models folder which will contains all mongoose schema.
  2. add graphql folder which will contains all gql schema & CRUD.
  3. all models defined on models are exported on a single module inside index.js.
  4. all schem & CRUD defined on graphql are exported on a single module inside index.js.
  5. Define all constant inside .env file.
  6. add babel to run ES6
npm install --save-dev babel-cli
npm install --save-dev babel-preset-es2015
npm install --save-dev babel-preset-stage-0
  1. add .babelrc
  "presets": ["es2015", "stage-0"]
  1. modify package.json to run with babel
  2. add nodemon so that it will automatically reload the app on everychange
npm install --save-dev nodemon

  1. mongo database preparation :

  2. install Robomongo

  3. customize logger file

npm install morgan winston winston-daily-rotate-file --save
  1. Test express default route - create a route file : AppRouter.js.
  2. Test express default route - modify server.js :
app.use('/users', AppRouter) 
app.use('/photos', AppRouter)

//route index
app.get('/', (req, res) => {
  res.send('Invalid endpoint!')
  1. prepare graphql types
  2. link mongoose schema to graphql types and mongoose models using queries and mutation.
  3. modify server.js for gql endpoint :
import gqlProvider from '../grapql'
app.use('/graphql', cors(), expressGraphQL({
  schema: gqlProvider,
  rootValue: global,
  graphiql: true

A single endpoint, every things is handled internaly inside gql : queries and mutations !

  1. I found an issue firstly when calling find, I got an empty result. I resolved this by adding collection name on mongoose models :
let userSchema = mongoose.Schema(
    firstName: String,
    lastName: String,
    birthday: String,
    job: String,
    collection: 'User'
let photoSchema = mongoose.Schema(
    url: String,
    description: String,
    date: String,
    collection: 'Photo'
  1. Results : Screenshot Screenshot

  2. queries & mutations : /graphq/users/mutations /graphq/users/queries

  3. authentication : yarn add jsonwebtoken passport passport-local-mongoose bcrypt passport-jwt

  4. Passport strategy configuration : /passport/passport.js

let opts = {}
opts.jwtFromRequest = ExtractJWT.fromAuthHeaderWithScheme(process.env.JWT_SCHEME)
opts.secretOrKey = process.env.JWT_SECRET_OR_KEY
const passeportJWTStrategy = new JWTStrategy(opts, function (jwt_payload, done) {
  const email =
  User.findOne({ email: email }, (error, user) => {
    if (error) {
      return done(error, false)
    } else {
      if (user) {
        done(null, user)
      } else {
        done(null, false)
  1. Passport MiddleWare : /passport/passportMiddleWare
const passportMiddleware = express()
  1. Configure our server to use passport middleware :
import passportMiddleware from '../passport/passportMiddleware'

// init and configure passport
  1. graphql middleware : context to handle authorization (required token) /graphql/middleware/gqlMiddleware.js
// passport proxy
    passport.authenticate(process.env.JWT_SCHEME, { session: false }, (error, user) => {

      // get request payload
      const body = req.body ? req.body.query : ''

      // if is login or register skip token auth
      if (body && (body.includes('AuthLogin') || body.includes('AuthRegister'))) {

      // need auth for others endpoint
      const token = AuthUtils.retrieveToken(req.headers)
      if (AuthUtils.isValidToken(token)) {
        // valid token
  1. Configure server to use gqlMiddleware :
import gqlMiddleware from '../grapql/middleware/gqlMiddleware'

// use graphql middleware
app.use('/graphql', gqlMiddleware)
  1. Change queries & mutations :
// Query
export default {
  type: new GraphQLList(User),
  resolve: (_, args, context) => {

    // user authorization 
    if (!context.user) {
      throw new Error(Messages.KEYS.WRONG_SESSION)

    // users
    const users = AppModels.UserModel.find().exec()
    if (!users) {
      throw new Error(Messages.KEYS.USER_LIST_ERROR)
    return users
const UserDelete = {
  type: User,
  args: {
    email: {
      type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLString),
  resolve: (_, params, context) => {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {

      // user authorization 
      if (!context.user) {
  1. Results : Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot


graphql server (queries & mutations), express, mongoose, passport, jwt







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