this is a collection of colors codes and their common name. All data is collectd combined from which is CC0 and from an RAL data set which should also be CC0 and data from thecolorapi which should be CC0.
The data is structured as following
Index | Field Name | Description |
0 | Name | name of the color |
1 | Hex | hex code of the color prefixed with # |
2 | R | red in RGB |
3 | G | green in RGB |
4 | B | blue in RGB |
5 | L | lightness (L) part in CIELAB |
6 | a | a-axis (a) part in CIELAB |
7 | b | b-axis (b) part in CIELAB |
The inclusion of the lab CIELAB values is meant to make approximation of colors easier since calculating delta e via CIEDE2000 is relatively straight forward and precise.