Helion is a data-driven framework that models the regularities of user-driven home automation, generates natural home automation scenarios, and provides stakeholders with tools to use the scenarios and obtain actionable outcomes.
To make it easier to run, respective library files are included in the project itself.
Execute the Following commands or add them to your .bash_profile to set up your $PATH. Be sure to replace the paths with local paths on your machine
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/Path/to/helion/libs/Daemon/python-daemon-2.2.0/
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/Path/to/helion/libs/Daemon/python-daemon-2.2.0/daemon/
export PATH=$PATH:/Path/to/helion/libs/mitlm-master/
export PATH=$PATH:/Path/to/helion/libs/kramer-master/
If the quick setup method does not work, please install the latest version of libraries.
- MITLM - MIT Language Modeling Toolkit
- Python Daemon 1.5.5 - Library to implement a well-behaved Unix daemon process.
- Brain Files - The language model server script which reads/writes JSON documents to named pipes.
Execute the following command to un-tar the the MITLM and python daemon packages:
$ tar-xzf <package_name.tar.gz>
Execute the Following commands or add them to your .bash_profile to set up your $PATH. Be sure to replace the paths with local paths on your machine
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/Path/to/Python/Daemon/python-daemon-1.5.5/
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/Path/to/Python/Daemon/python-daemon-1.5.5/daemon/
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/Path/to/Python/Daemon/python-daemon-1.5.5/daemon/version/
export PATH=$PATH:/Path/to/MITLM/mitlm-0.4.1/
export PATH=$PATH:/Path/to/Brain/Files/
Navigate to the mitlm-0.4.1/ directory and execute the following commands:
$ ./configure
$ make
After both of these commands have been executed, you should be able to see the estimate-ngram, evaluate-ngram, and interpolate-ngram executables in the mitlm-0.4.1/ directory.
Navigate to the folder where your training and vocabulary files are located. Then instantiate the brain by running:
$ braind data/helion.train data/helion.vocab
For more detailed instructions on how to interact and instantiate the Brain, see the README.