This project shows a map with 10 closest films filmed near a specific location in some year. The result will be saved in a map in HTML format that can be opened in a web browser.
This information can be used for tourists and people interested in filming and who want to visit legendary places nearby.
Example for the following command
python3 2003 36 -96.5 locations1000.list
The original file has 1.200.000 films and serials. It's too much for a normal situation. So we were forced to decrease locations.list to 40.000. If you feel it's too long or you have a bad internet connection, there is location1000.list, which has 1000 films, or feel free to decrease files more.
To start the project do the following commands:
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate # if you are using macOS
venv/bin/activate # for Windows
pip3 install requirements.txt
python3 {year} {latitude} {longitude} {path_to_file}
- year - the year in which films were created. Example: 2000
- latitude - latitude of the starting point. Example: 49.841952
- longitude - longitude of starting point. Example: 24.0315921
- path_to_file - path to the database file. Example: location.list
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.