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Decouple Hooks from the presentational components that use them

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Why react-hooks-compose?

react-hooks-compose provides an ergonomic way to decouple hooks from the components that use them.

React Hooks are great. They encapsulate state logic and make it more reusable. But what if you have pure presentational components that you want to use with different state? What if you want to test your presentaional component in isolation?

React Hooks invert the Container/Presenter pattern, putting the container inside the presenter. This makes it hard to use the same presentational component with different hooks, and clunky to test presentational components by themselves.

One option:

import { Presenter } from './presenter';
import { useCustomHook } from './hooks';

const Wrapper = () => {
  const { foo, bar } = useCustomHook();
  return <Presenter foo={foo} bar={bar} />;

export default Wrapper;

This works fine, but you end up with an extra component just to connect the hook to the Presenter. If you want to test the presenter in isolation, you have to export it separately. there must be a better way!

Basic Usage

composeHooks passes values from hooks as props, and allows you to pass any other props as normal. This allows you to export the hook, stateful component, and purely presentational component separately.

import composeHooks from 'react-hooks-compose';

const useForm = () => {
  const [name, setName] = useState('');
  const onChange = e => setName(;
  return { name, onChange };

// Other props (in this case `icon`) can be passed in separately
const FormPresenter = ({ name, onChange, icon }) => (
  <div className="App">
    <h1>Hello, {name}!</h1>
    <input value={name} onChange={onChange} />

export default composeHooks({ useForm })(FormPresenter);

You can think of composeHooks like react-redux's connect HOC. For one thing, it creates an implicit container. You can think of the object passed into composeHooks as mapHooksToProps, similar to the object form of mapDispatchToProps.

Compose multiple hooks:

const Presenter = ({ name, onChange, foo, bar, value }) => (
  <div className="App">
    <h1>Hello, {name}!</h1>
    <p>Context value is {value}</p>
      foo is {foo}, bar is {bar}
    <input value={name} onChange={onChange} />

export default composeHooks({
  value: () => useContext(MyContext), // Usage with `useContext`

Usage with useState

If you compose with useState directly (i.e. the prop is an array), the prop will remain an array and should be destructured before use:

const FormPresenter = ({ nameState: [name, setName] }) => (
  <div className="App">
    <h1>Hello, {name}!</h1>
    <input value={name} onChange={e => setName(} />

export default composeHooks({
  nameState: () => useState('Calvin'),

Usage with useEffect

useEffect is supported - the most common usage would be in a custom hook. For example:

const usePostData = data => {
  const [postStatus, setPostStatus] = useState(SUCCESS);

  useEffect(() => {
    postData(data).then(() => {
    }).catch(err => {
  }, [data]);

  return { postStatus };

const App = ({ postStatus }) => { ... };

export default compose({ usePostData })(App);

Pass in props for initial values

If your hooks need access to props to set their initial values, you can pass a function to composeHooks. This function receives props as an argument, and should always return an object:

const useForm = (initialValue = '') => {
  const [value, setValue] = useState(initialValue);
  const onChange = e => setValue(;
  return { value, onChange };

const FormContainer = composeHooks(props => ({
  useForm: () => useForm(props.initialValue),

<FormContainer initialValue="Susie" />;


composeHooks is great for testing. Any props you pass in will override the hooks values, so you can test the presenter and container with a single export:

// band-member.js
const BandMember = ({singer, onClick}) => {...} // <-- Presenter

export default composeHooks({ useName })(BandMember);

// band-member.test.js
it('returns Joey if singer is true', () => {
  // Pass in a `singer` boolean as with any presentational component.
  // Containers don't usually allow this.
  const {getByLabelText} = render(<BandMember singer />);

it('updates name to Joey when Get Singer button is clicked', () => {
  // If you don't pass in props, the component will use the hooks provided
  // in the module. In this case, `useName` returns `singer` and `onClick`.
  const {getByLabelText} = render(<BandMember />);
  expect(getByLabelText('Name').textContent).toBe('Johnny');'Get Singer'));