is a alert view that can remind regularly.
is inspired by Appirater.
is only for app review. ReminderAlertView
has high versatility.
You can use ReminderAlertView
according to your application. For app review, push notification, and etc.
- You want to display a alert for push notification when a user sees product page 5 times. And if a user hits ok button once, you don't want to display the alert.
- You want to display a alert for app review when a user hits the like button 10 times. And if the alert is displayed once, you don't want to display it.
Register alerts in AppDelegate
ReminderAlertView.registerAlert(id: "push_notification_alert",
countToRemind: 5,
alertTitle: "Please turn on push notification!",
message: "Do you want to get push notification when you receive message?", cancelButtonTitle: "Not now",
OKButtonTitle: "Turn on")
ReminderAlertView.registerAlert(id: "app_review_alert",
countToRemind: 10, alertTitle: "Please review our app!",
message: "If you like our app, could you review our app?",
cancelButtonTitle: "Not now",
OKButtonTitle: "OK")
Increment when a user sees product page and hits like button
func showProductScreen() {
if !ReminderAlertView.hasBeenPushedOKButton(id: "push_notification_alert") {
ReminderAlertView.incrementCount(id: "push_notification_alert") {
func likeProduct() {
if !ReminderAlertView.hasBeenDisplayed(id: "app_review_alert") {
ReminderAlertView.incrementCount(id: "app_review_alert") {
// code to transition to review page on app store
If you want to display alert forcibly
ReminderAlertView.showAlert(id: "push_notification_alert") {
// code for when a user hits ok button
gem install cocoapods
Add following to your Podfile
platform :ios, '8.0'
target 'Your Target Name' do
pod 'ReminderAlertView'
pod install
brew install carthage
Add following to your Cartfile
github "KEN-chan/ReminderAlertView"
carthage update --platform ios
- iOS 8.0+
- Swift 4.0+
MIT license