What is a Non-Fungible Token? Fungible means to be the same or interchangeable eg Eth is fungible. With this in mind, NFTs are unique; each one is different. Every single token has unique characteristics and values. They are all distinguishable from one another and are not interchangeable eg Unique Art
What is ERC-721? ERC-721 is an open standard that describes how to build Non-Fungible tokens on EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) compatible blockchains; it is a standard interface for Non-Fungible tokens; it has a set of rules that make it easy to work with NFTs. Before moving ahead have a look at all the functions supported by ERC721
- Solidity (Writing Smart Contract)
- Javascript (React & Testing)
- Web3 (Blockchain Interaction)
- Truffle (Development Framework)
- Ganache (For Local Blockchain) for testing purpose
- Goerli Testnet for deployment
- MetaMask (Ethereum Wallet)
- ThreeJS (3D Javascript library)
- @react-three/fiber (React renderer for Three.js)
- @react-three/drei (Extra helpers for React-Three-Fiber)
- Install NodeJS, I recommend using node version v14 or v16 to avoid any potential dependency issues
- Install Truffle, In your terminal, you can check to see if you have truffle by running
truffle --version
. To install truffle runnpm i -g truffle
. - Install Ganache.
- Install MetaMask in your browser.
$ yarn
$ truffle migrate --reset
$ truffle migrate --reset --network goerli
$ truffle test
$ yarn start
1. Setup a local blockchain network for running Ganache-Cli with these credential or as per your choice:
- Network name: "Local Network CLI"
- New RPC URL: ""
- Chain ID: "31337"
- Currency symbol: "ETH"
- Block explorer URL(OPtional): fill it or leave it empty as per your choice
2. Run the Local blockchain in one terminal and keep it running by writing also copy and import first two accounts' private into your metamask wallet using :-
$ npx ganache-cli
$ yarn start