A small code engine for simulating a game world with actors, controllable pawns, custom meshes and materials as well as collision logic.
Made using OpenGL in C++, and Qt as the graphical user interface. This project was made as a folder exam for a 3D-progamming course.
High-resolution monkey .obj file from blender, in-engine
Bezier curves
Heightmap data with texture
Nature scene using a cubemap
Scene with a controllable pawn, light, meshes and interactible actors
- Render meshes and materials
- Load custom OBJ and MTL files
- Create mesh from heightmap
- Per object shaders
- Lighting system
- Textures
- Cubemaps/Skybox
- Player controllable pawns
- Axis-aligned box collision
- Barycentric ground collision
- Different built-in camera classes
- Function and point-space visualization
- C++ API inspired by Unreal Engine
If you want to use OBJ files from blender, these are the export settings you need.