Hexagon codebase containing real world examples (CRUD, auth, advanced patterns, etc.) that adheres to the RealWorld spec and API.
TODO Set working demo URL
TODO Document setup: refer to .git/hooks/pre-push.sample
for information about this hook script.
TODO Document clean up To clean Docker artifacts execute: sudo docker system prune -af
This codebase was created to demonstrate a fully fledged fullstack application built with Hexagon including CRUD operations, authentication, routing, pagination, and more.
We've gone to great lengths to adhere to the Hexagon community styleguide & best practices.
For more information on how to this works with other frontends/backends, head over to the RealWorld.
The project has a Gradle multi-module layout. The goal is to code a full stack application providing a module for the back-end, the front-end (TBD) and the Mobile application (TBD).
Docker Compose is used to build images for each module (if applies) and push them to the Docker Registry.
- backend readme
- frontend readme (TBD)
- mobile readme (TBD)
The source code has the bare minimum formatting rules inside the .editorconfig
Gradle is the tool used to automate build tasks locally.
For image creation, backend/Dockerfile
is used.
Docker Compose is used to build all modules (from their Dockerfile
) and run them inside
To be sure that everything works before pushing changes, you can link the deploy/pre-push.sh
to the .git/hooks
ln -s $(pwd)/deploy/pre-push.sh .git/hooks/pre-push
However, you can use git push --no-verify
to skip these checks.
Useful build commands:
- Build:
./gradlew installDist
. Generates:- Application directory:
- Packaged application:
- Application directory:
- Rebuild:
./gradlew clean installDist
- Run:
./gradlew run
- Build local container images:
docker compose build
- Start application inside containers:
docker compose up -d
Postman is used to perform requests interactively: backend/src/test/resources/postman/*
The build pipeline is implemented using GitHub Actions, it takes care of checking the tests (including Postman collection tests) and the following tasks:
Tagging of source code and container images should be done upon Pull Request merge on live branches. This is still to be implemented by the CI/CD pipeline using GitHub Actions.
- Publish in Docker Registry
- Deploy on K8s
- Add requests' bodies validation returning as many errors as wrong fields
- Code stress tests using Gatling.io against local, container, or deployed service
- Create native executable using GraalVM
- Vue front end
- Publish front end in GitHub pages
- Migrate readme.md API documentation to Swagger
- ArchUnit or Konsist tests
- Cucumber or Kotest tests
- Jlink
- OpenJ9
- Liberica NIK
- Commit message
- PR/MR template
- Cucumber BDD (check transactions)
- ArchUnit (preferred over modules: it allows naming checks, etc.)
- Kotlin
- Testcontainers
- Hexagonal Architecture
- Docker compose
- Pre push script
REGISTRY="$(minikube ip):5000/" docker compose build backend
REGISTRY="$(minikube ip):5000/" docker compose push backend
Try to add this line to Docker's daemon.json file and restart the Docker Daemon: (C:\ProgramData\Docker\config\daemon.json on windows, /etc/docker/daemon.json on linux)