A simple discord.js v14 template w/ (slash) command & event handler. Will probably be used for my projects. Everyone is free to use this. I'm happy to provide support for beginners- please open an issue (preferred) or DM me on discord: hexlocation#0887.
Terms of use[?]
By using this project or its source code, for any purpose and in any shape or form, you grant your implicit agreement to all the following statements:
- You condemn Russia and its military aggression against Ukraine
- You recognize that Russia is an occupant that unlawfully invaded a sovereign state
- You support Ukraine's territorial integrity, including its claims over temporarily occupied territories of Crimea and Donbas
- You reject false narratives perpetuated by Russian state propaganda
To learn more about the war and how you can help, click here. Glory to Ukraine! 🇺🇦 (This TOU has been copied from https://github.com/Tyrrrz/)