Generate trash JavaScript. This is useful for testing libraries and APIs.
The strings that are generated are random, but every string comes from a single Unicode script, so they at least look vaguely interesting.
npm install basura
Usage: basura [options]
Generate a random JavaScript object
-V, --version output the version number
-a, --arrayLength <number> Maximum array/object size (default: 10)
-b, --noBoxed Do not generate boxed types, like
-c, --cborSafe Do not generate types that break CBOR.
-d, --depth <number> Maximum depth. (default: 5)
-e, --edgeFreq <number> Edge case frequency. (default: 0.1)
-i, --import <file> Import the given file, and use its
default export as an additional type
generator. Can be specified multiple
times. (default: [])
-j, --json Output JSON, not generating any types
that will not fit.
-o, --output <file> File to output.
-s, --stringLength <number> Maximum string length. (default: 20)
-t, --type <type> Generate this specific type.
-T, --listTypes List all supported types, then exit.
-h, --help display help for command
$ basura -t object
$ basura -t Array -o array.js
- AggregateError
- Array
- ArrayBuffer
- BigInt64Array
- BigUint64Array
- Boolean
- Buffer
- DataView
- Date
- Error
- EvalError
- Float32Array
- Float64Array
- Generator
- Int16Array
- Int32Array
- Int8Array
- Map
- Number
- Object
- Promise
- Proxy
- RangeError
- ReferenceError
- RegExp
- Set
- SharedArrayBuffer
- String
- SyntaxError
- TypeError
- URIError
- Uint16Array
- Uint32Array
- Uint8Array
- Uint8ClampedArray
- WeakMap
- WeakRef
- WeakSet
- bigint
- boolean
- function
- integer
- number
- string
- symbol
- undefined
Pass new types in the types
option, or from the command line, use --import <moduleFile>
. See an example.
Full API docs are available.
import {Basura} from 'basura'
// The default options. No need to pass anything in if you like these
const opts = {
arrayLength: 10, // maximum size of arrays and objects
cborSafe: false, // generate only CBOR-safe types?
depth: 5, // How deep to go
edgeFreq: 0.1, // How often to prefer edge cases?
jsonSafe: false, // generate only JSON-safe types?
noBoxed: false, // ignore boxed types, like String?
output: false, // add custom inspect functions that make output parseable JS?
scripts: [], // Array of script names to limit output to. Defaults to all
stringLength: 20, // Maximum string and Buffer length, in codepoints
types: {}, // Extra types to generate. Pass in `{Date: null}` to not generate Dates
const b = new Basura(opts)
console.log(b.generate_Date()) // Example output: 2011-02-16T11:28:41.539Z
console.log(b.generate()) // Some possibly-large chunk of JS
See some example output in the examples directory.