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MinerMedic is a CryptoCurrency Miner Monitoring, Automation, and Prediction tool based on the Phenome AI platform. Visit the MinerMedic page to learn more or to download a pre-built package that already includes the Phenome Extensions.

MinerMedic is written in Python (supporting v3.6, v3.7) and so can run on a variety of platforms including OSX, Linux deviants, and hardware including small ARM based devices like Raspberry PI, Jetson Nano, etc. Windows is currently not supported but plans to do so are in the mix.

MinerMedic is a Flask Application. It has a REST API and a simple embedded UI interface. If you are familiar with Python, Flask and JSON, it's fairly easy to add new Miners, Pools, and features. Contributions to the project are highly welcome!

Getting Started

Please note, these instructions assume you have a minimum of Python 3.6 and git installed. Do not use Python 3.8+ as some of the dependencies like TensorFlow, Keras, SQLAlchemy may not work correctly due to deprecation (WIP).

First, setup your machine with the required development libs:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev python3-dev python3-venv

Next, clone the source:

$ git clone

then change into the directory:

$ cd minermedic

create a base INI file:

$ cp minermedic/minermedic.ini.dist ./minermedic.ini

If you would like, you should edit this file and put in your Mail Server information, etc. It is pretty self-explanatory. Detailed documentation on the INI file forthcoming.

Install dependencies

First setup a virtual environment for Python3. This will make your life easier, keep things clean on your machine, and keep everything local in the current directory.

python3 -m venv .
source bin/activate
pip3 install --upgrade pip

The Phenome core will be needed:

$ pip install phenome-core --extra-index-url

Once the core is installed - clone the extensions directly into the minermedic source directory:

$ git clone phenome

At this point minermedic should be runnable. Let's try it out!

Run the app locally

$ ./

If you haven't followed the previous instructions it will try to install the dependencies. Once it is ready and has started, you should see some information print to the screen:

Starting MinerMedic...
Opening Database, please wait ...
Loading Object Model, please wait ...
Object Model loaded in 4117ms
Using TensorFlow backend.
 * Serving Flask app "phenome" (lazy loading)
 * Environment: production
   WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.
   Use a production WSGI server instead.
 * Debug mode: on
WARNING: Logging before flag parsing goes to stderr.

Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

Everything else will probably go to the log. There should be a "/log" directory created automatically.

Check the UI in browser

MinerMedic Local UI

Access the API

$ curl http://localhost:8080/api/v1/helloworld

Run Unit Tests

$ ./

Development Environment

At this point you should be ready to start running / debugging the application in the IDE. If you have PyCharm, simply go to "File" -> "Open" and point to the minermedic folder. Once opened, create a Run/Debug configuration by going to "Run" -> "Edit Configurations".

Debug Configuration For PyCharm

Make sure to use Python 3.6 or 3.7. Also for a DEBUG configuration, make sure to add the parameters: "--debug True"


CryptoCurrency Miner Monitoring, Automation, and Prediction tool







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