mapOnHolochain is an overview tool for collaboration about many kinds of ideas for the map of where the Holochain project might progess, like discussions of what might be good milestones, or paradigms or any idea at all that is relevant
most people will want to just use mapOnHolochain:
- Firstly, "watch" this repo (click on the image below for instructions, you may need to create a github user)
- Then navigate to http://map.holohackers.org
there is a kanban view of the same issues as are backing mapOnHolochain held here: https://waffle.io/Holochain/mapOnHolochain, which may be of use
- mapOnHolochain tries to strike an innovative balance between formal and informal communications.
- the formal part is this github repository. Formal communications include tools like issue trackers, kanban tools, getFlow, etc.
- currently ideas for a plan which is the project that mapOnHolochain uses only integrates with github
- the informal part is a great big diagram of all the ideas that people have come up with so far.
- mapOnHolochain is a collaboration tool. Anyone can add ideas anywhere they like on the current map, and then a core team works to synthesize those ideas into a holistic view of the space. There is no set, formal procedure for the synthesis, just as there is no formal procedure in general terms, for "discussion between people". However moving forward, protocols may well be agreed as the project matures.
- the web interface for mapOnHolochain is here: http://map.holohackers.org/
- If you would like to help the project leaders of Holochain to synthesize the content everyone is generating, you can!
- You can place a googleDrawing or an svg into this directory, as a helping hand to the HolochainTEAM:
- https://drive.google.com/open?id=1OPFnInEQ461IlNK21kQdj2Lt_c7OcPa1
- You might have to request access to add things here
- Here are some templates to help you get started
- Suggestions you make make the most sense if they are placed somewhere on the existing background image
- Once you have submitted something, please create an issue in the place you think it is most relevant on map.holohackers.org
- put something like “backgroundImageSuggestion” in the title of your dot
- Once you have submitted something, please create an issue in the place you think it is most relevant on map.holohackers.org
- thank you so much for contributing! =======
- You can place a googleDrawing or an svg into this directory, as a helping hand to the HolochainTEAM:
mapOnHolochain is an overview tool for collaboration about many kinds of ideas for the map of where the Holochain project might progess, like discussions of what might be good milestones, or paradigms or any idea at all that is relevant
most people will want to just use mapOnHolochain:
- Firstly, "watch" this repo (click on the image below for instructions, you may need to create a github user)
- Then navigate to http://map.holohackers.org
there is a kanban view of the same issues as are backing mapOnHolochain held here: https://waffle.io/Holochain/mapOnHolochain, which may be of interest to developers
- mapOnHolochain tries to strike an innovative balance between formal and informal communications.
- the formal part is this github repository. Formal communications include tools like issue trackers, kanban tools, getFlow, etc.
- currently ideas for a plan which is the project that mapOnHolochain uses only integrates with github
- the informal part is a great big diagram of all the ideas that people have come up with so far.
- mapOnHolochain is a collaboration tool. Anyone can add ideas anywhere they like on the current map, and then a core team works to synthesize those ideas into a holistic view of the space. There is no set, formal procedure for the synthesis, just as there is no formal procedure in general terms, for "discussion between people". However moving forward, protocols may well be agreed as the project matures.
- the web interface for mapOnHolochain is here: http://map.holohackers.org/
- If you would like to help the project leaders of Holochain to synthesize the content everyone is generating, you can!
- You can place a googleDrawing or an svg into this directory, as a helping hand to the HolochainTEAM:
- https://drive.google.com/open?id=1OPFnInEQ461IlNK21kQdj2Lt_c7OcPa1
- You might have to request access to add things here
- Here are some templates to help you get started
- Suggestions you make make the most sense if they are placed somewhere on the existing background image
- Once you have submitted something, please create an issue in the place you think it is most relevant on map.holohackers.org
- put something like “backgroundImageSuggestion” in the title of your dot
- Once you have submitted something, please create an issue in the place you think it is most relevant on map.holohackers.org
- thank you so much for contributing!
- You can place a googleDrawing or an svg into this directory, as a helping hand to the HolochainTEAM: