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Meeting Minutes for Sprint 3

Kelly Holtzman edited this page Dec 15, 2020 · 8 revisions

This page is for recording minutes of daily scrums (stand-up meetings) and side/discussion meetings between Sprint #2 and Sprint #3, including Sprint #3.

November 23, 2020 - December 14, 2020

Entry Format:

Date (dd-mm-yyyy) | Sprint # | Meeting Goal

Actionable Items for Team | For Team Role | For Clark | For Kelly | For Mansi | For Sana


20-11-2020 | Sprint - | Backlog refinement of Client-Server-Database design and other security-based considerations

Notes | Team to begin final/first (however you see it) designs before we begin to program the application, including: client-server interaction, server-database interaction, GUI-client interaction. Team to also investigate and design sub-concerns when designing the application, like how we store personally-identifiable information in the database, information we collect for login. Questions to be answered in design include: "How can we design for expected feature expansion?", "What best design practices encapsulate the responsibilities we have envisioned for the application now?".

First goal of the Sprint is to complete GUI design and prototype testing, and the second goal is to complete the first round of software architecture design.

24-11-2020 | Sprint 3 | Sprint 3

Notes | Very good progression has been made with developing lofi and midfi designs for testing with the client. We've begun investigating and designing client-server architecture, and identified points where we do not currently have enough information to drive understanding and the design forward. Created tasks for additional container design. Discussed Sprint tasks to take on should work become blocked waiting on client testing opportunities.

25-11-2020 | Sprint 3 | First Mentorship Meeting

Notes | Had our first Capstone Mentorship meeting. We presented to our mentor our project progress thus far and discussed his involvement in the future development of the project. Our mentor will be involved in our back-end design and development - things like how our business logic/design and testing will be handled and our concerns/thoughts while doing the work. A good schedule would be to meet once a Sprint at least, and have work to present to him.

Additionally, as our mentor will be involved in back-end, we thought it best to approach our project instructor about front-end design, development, and testing accordingly.

Minor meeting takeaway - it would be good to investigate some fun features Flutter provides us with and present how we could use these to our mentor.

For Mansi | To email project instructor about his possible involvement in our front-end work.

27-11-2020 | Sprint 3 | Sprint 3

Notes | Progress was made on investigating how GUI prototype testing would be conducted, and a first draft of the testing form we would be using was made. Discussed how the form could be revised for better use and more engagement from testers. Investigation of database interfaces and how a local database to the phone would perform. Discussed Sprint tasks to take on should work become blocked waiting on client testing opportunities again.

01-12-2020 | Sprint 3 | Sprint 3

Notes | First draft of the client-server architecture design was completed. Identified questions and tasks for further design choices, including: how would the application settings be stored/used, how could we split/modularize transport form elements for future use, and where would special developer interest be in some classes (for example, the automation of updating the databases against one another). First draft of the database interfaces has begun accordingly.

03-12-2020 | Sprint 3 | Presentation and meeting with Livestock Services Saskatchewan (LSS)

Notes | Had our first meeting with LSS to compare and present our similar animal transport applications with one another. Notable differences of the LSS web-application are:

  1. Their application is meant for the commerce of transport rather than recording of transport
  2. Their system deals with some legacy database(s) that required refactoring
  3. Their system is more complex and wider than ours, our application is essentially standalone
  4. They have encountered bottlenecks due to the business-side of development (their need to come to an agreement between parties as to how information from databases will be used)
  5. They are somewhat ahead of us in development and are focusing on front-end design/development now

Further information of the LSS application not shared on GitHub due to possible privacy concerns.

As a team, we identified how we would like future meetings with LSS to be conducted:

  1. It is of interest to both parties to present and discuss how solutions were come by for interesting problems such as: what occurs when no internet is available, how information is stored in the database and how parties retrieve only the information they need, etc.
  2. Such presentations should describe how we identified the problem (in writing, diagrams, etc.) and how we designed a solution (in writing, diagrams, etc.), as well as how we managed the work, how long we expect the work to take, and other notable things.
  3. Ergo, future meetings should be conducted on the basis of having some work to present and compare.

For Product Owner | To follow-up meeting with email describing how we would like future meeting to proceed as well as ask LSS their expectations of future meetings.

08-12-2020 | Sprint 3 | Sprint 3

Notes | Extended Sprint 3 work due to exam/project due dates interfering with work completed.

11-12-2020 | Sprint 3 | End of Sprint 3

Notes | A second Mid-Fi was created from the first round of Lo-Fis: team to show client (before testing with transporters) to get their opinion on how best to get transporter's engaged. Investigation on how to create one remote/local database interface was done by Sana, it appears we can get both functionality for the price of one!

Team also discussed how to best tackle the next progress vlog, given the current exam period and time constraints.

15-12-2020 | Sprint 3 | Sprint 3 Review and Retrospective

Notes | Reviewed completed tasks and discussed how we felt meetings/work went in the Sprint. Hosted the retrospective and identified a few things to keep in mind moving forward: like not having too many client meetings, being on top of reviews, hosting more backlog refinement now that first design has moved forwards.

Retrospective to be posted on website.

Deliverables pages (see website)

Client meeting minutes pages:

  1. Progress Update and Project Requirement Questions Oct 5, 2020
  2. Progress Update Meeting Oct 29, 2020
  3. Progress Update Meeting and USM-related questions Nov 11, 2020
  4. Mentor Progress Update Meeting Nov 25, 2020
  5. Livestock Services Saskatchewan Project Meeting Dec 3, 2020
  6. Team and Instructor, Mentor, and Faculty Meeting Minutes

Team meeting minutes pages:

  1. Sprint 0
  2. Sprint 1
  3. Sprint 1 Retrospective
  4. Sprint 2
  5. Sprint 2 Retrospective
  6. Sprint 3
  7. Sprint 3 Retrospective
  8. Sprint 4
  9. Sprint 4 Retrospective
  10. Sprint 5
  11. Sprint 5 Retrospective
  12. Sprint 6
  13. Sprint 6 Retrospective
  14. Sprint 7
  15. Sprint 8
  16. Sprint 7/8 Retrospective
  17. Sprint 9
  18. Sprint 10

Requirements-related pages:

  1. About Project Charter
  2. About Project Requirements

Specification-related pages:

  1. Animal Record Transport Template Breakdown
  2. Transfer of Care Document Breakdown
  3. FWR Document Breakdown
  4. Contingency Plan Breakdown

User Story Mapping-related pages:

  1. User Story Mapping Guide

Design-related pages:

  1. C4-Model for Client-Server Architecture
  2. Data Modelling Design Process
  3. Guide to GUI Prototyping Structure

System Test Procedure pages:

  1. Animal Transport Record-related Test Cases
  2. Transporter Account-related Test Cases
  3. System Settings-related Test Cases

Investigation pages:

  1. Adobe XD vs Figma
  2. Client-Server Architecture Tools
  3. Firebase vs. AWS Amplify

Project Setup/FAQ pages:

  1. Cloning Humane Transport
  2. Set up Pre-Commit
  3. IDE Useful Settings
  4. Testing Workflow
  5. Useful Git Commands
  6. Must Know Flutter Concepts
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