Utilities for creating and running both stateless and stateful servers in dockerized and non-dockerized environments
Install the barrel cli via dart globals
dart pub global activate barrel
or use the barrel installer script (for ubuntu & debian) to also install dart and java if not already present
bash <(wget -qO- https://gist.githubusercontent.com/helightdev/3f15a696d66921b1e47d077f3243a96b/raw/6d4f1fcd3a1e70d084d40235e23c3b86b8fe7825/installer.sh)
barrel < command > [ arguments ]
- init Starts the barrel initializer and creates a runnable environment in the current directory.
- run Launches the operation system specific startfile.
- -d, --dockerized Performs a docker build and runs the image wrapped.
- build Wraps a normal docker build command with default values.
- pull Pulls the server files based on the hopper configuration.
- doctor Snapshots and prints debug details about the current environment and image.