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This project provides spell checking in Squeak/Smalltalk based on the hunspell library.

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  • Spellchecking inside TextMorphs (for example the workspace)
  • User Interface for checking all mistakes in a text, comparable to other spellchecking tools
  • User Interface for organizing the words you added to your dictionary or change the language
  • Choose between multiple languages, new language-dictionaries can be added too
  • Supported for Windows, Linux and Mac


Activate the feature in the preferences:

  1. Go to tools -> preferences to open the preference browser
  2. Look for the category 'Spellchecking'
  3. Enable SpellChecking in TextMorphs. you may also leave syntaxHighlightingAsYouType activated if you wish to
  4. Start typing!

Usage in a TextMorphs

  • Seemingly misspelled words are highlighted and underlined in orange color
  • selecting and right-clicking on a wrong word let's you correct the word or add it to the dictionary
  • in Worspace only:
    • save the content of the workspace (ctrl+s) and click on the blue arrow in the top right corner. Then click Open SpellChecker
    • ignored words are only ignored for the duration of this session
    • words that are added to the dictionary survive a restart

Dictionary Management

  • Go to Apps -> Dictionary Setting to change the language or organize added words
  • On the left side you see the words that you added to your dictionary, you may select a word there and remove it with the 'remove word'-button below
  • On the right side you see an overview over your available dictionaries, choose another one and start typing to see changes

How to add more languages?

  • All available Languages are stored in the 'dictionaries'-folder in 'Ressources'
  • To add a language, simply create a new subfolder and insert the .dic and .aff file; no worries - those are available for free from the web
  • The name of the subfolder will be the name of the language on
  • The name of the .dic and .aff files do not matter


This project was initially created as part of SWT SoSe 2018.

2018: Ivan Ilic, Youri Kaminsky, Robert Schwanhold, Ole Wegen, Paul Zimmermann