This is a small exercise to practice TDD in Java. To participate, please follow these simple steps:
- You need to be logged-in with your Github account.
- Click the "Fork" button in the upper right!
- In your repository's settings, enable issue tracking.
- Log-in to Travis CI and
- Enable automatic builds for your exercise repository.
- Clone the repository on your computer!
- You are not allowed to modify any code files
- except in the package
- and in the test folder,
- or if otherwise noted.
- except in the package
- Try to get all tests green!
- Preferably, not by deleting the tests. There is no one to cheat but yourself!
- When you are done, push your changes.
- Travis CI will now try to build your project.
- You will be notified of problems via Github issues.
- While you wait, see if your code can use some refactorings.
- The end is a bit anti-climatic. Sorry for that!