Fork of reflection assert from Unitils ( compatible with JUnit 5 & other testing tools that support opentest4j.
Assert that two objects are equal using reflection for field-by-field comparision:
Same, but ignoring order for collections:
Or assert that two objects are not equal providing custom message:
A report for a failed assertion will look like:
Expected: User<name="John", title="CTO", address=Address<city="NY", street="2th">>
Actual: User<name="John", title="Officer", address=Address<city="NY", street="1th">>
--- Found following differences ---
address.street: expected: "2th", actual: "1th"
title: expected: "CTO", actual: "Officer"
--- Difference detail tree ---
expected: User<name="John", title="CTO", address=Address<city="NY", street="2th">>
actual: User<name="John", title="Officer", address=Address<city="NY", street="1th">>
address expected: Address<city="NY", street="2th">
address actual: Address<city="NY", street="1th">
address.street expected: "2th"
address.street actual: "1th"
title expected: "CTO"
title actual: "Officer"
Provides reflection assertions in conformance with vintage Unitils API for smooth migration.
You may treat this module as a drop-in replacement for Unitils if the reflection assert was the only package used from Unitils in your system.
Additionally, you may want to compare two objects reflectively out of the test scope without getting dependency on JUnit and other test-related libs. Or maybe just get the difference report without any assertions involved.
You may achieve it by depending on this module only & directly using ReflectionComparator that could be obtained with opt-in leniency modes:
Difference diff = ReflectionComparatorFactory.createReflectionComparator().getDifference(a, b)
ReflectionComparatorFactory.createReflectionComparator(LENIENT_ORDER, LENIENT_DATES).isEqual(a, b)
Reports could be generated in the same format as for assertions:
new DefaultDifferenceReport().createReport(difference)
Releases are available in Maven Central.
Just add the dependency:
testCompile 'com.github.hpple.reflection-assert:reflection-assert:0.3'
testCompile 'com.github.hpple.reflection-assert:reflection-assert-vintage:0.3'
compile 'com.github.hpple.reflection-assert:reflection-comparator:0.3'
testCompile 'com.github.hpple.reflection-assert:reflection-comparator:0.3'