A RESTful API designed to represent the epic battle between #teamCaptain and #teamIronMan.
marvel-civil-war API requires Leningen v2+ to run.
To start a web server for the application, run:
$ cd marvel-civil-war
$ lein ring server
The first thing we need to do is to create a new arena for the war to take place.
POST /api/createarena
The response should be:
"errorcode": 0,
"description": "Arena successfully created!",
Now we have to place some players in the stage. There's an example:
POST /api/createplayer
request body:
- type = "1" for #teamCaptain and "2" for #teamIronMan;
- xposition = from "0" to "50" (grid limit)
- yposition = from "0" to "50" (grid limit)
- direction = "1" for north, "2" for south, "3" for east and "4" for west
The response should be:
"errorcode": 0,
"description": "",
To operate a given player, we must do as the following example:
POST /api/operateplayer
request body:
- id = the id of the created player
- instruction = "1" move north, "2" move south, "3" move east, "4" move west, "5" attack;
P.S: #teamIronMan players cannot move... yet.
Have fun!