This is a Framework for building Ussd applications in PHP against the Hubtel Programmable Services.
This project is ported from the original C# version and USSD Framework in PHP.
There are ways to integrate with the Hubtel Programmable Services across programming languages. This project is particularly to integrate with PHP.
- Application configuration settings
- PHP object oriented architecture
- Session storage Redis store or any RDMS
- Standards for development
1 Require Composer PHP General Services Framework can smoothly run on newer PHP versions. The Hubtel Programmable Services PHP SDK can be installed with Composer. Run this command:
$ composer require hubtel-gh/general-services-sdk-php
#OR Clone the repository unto your machine/server, then navigate into the project.
2 Create Session Storage with Redis or any RDMS For Redis, Create a Redis Store implementing \HubtelUssdFramework\SessionStore, Configure accordingly.
'scheme' => '',
'host' => '',
'port' => ''
3 Define the applications settings and in Index.php file
Ussd::process('logger file', 'RedisStore', 'USSDApp', 'USSDMain', 'Main startup method/action for the USSD('start')', 'server');
USSDApp - # the folder that contains all your ussd applications logic
USSDMain - # the main controller/class of your ussd logic
start - # the main action/function/method of your ussd logic
storageType - # RedisStore
'./general.log' - # path to your logger file
Ussd::process('./general.log', new RedisStore(), 'USSDApp', 'USSDMain', 'start', $_ENV['SERVER']);
Run the script using the following command
$ php -S (Server address)
# Main startup method/action for the USSD initiates the USSD session
public function start()
$menu = new \UssdFramework\UssdMenu();
->createAndAddItem('List Items', 'list_items')
->createAndAddItem('Exit', 'close', 'Main');
return $this->renderMenu($menu);
public function list_items()
{$menuHeader = 'Menu Header';
$menu = new \UssdFramework\UssdMenu();
->createAndAddItem('Sunday', 'e_menu')
->createAndAddItem('Monday', 'e_menu')
->createAndAddItem('Tuesday', 'e_menu')
->createAndAddItem('Wednesday', 'e_menu')
->createAndAddItem('Thurday', 'e_menu')
->createAndAddItem('Friday', 'e_menu')
->createAndAddItem('Saturday', 'e_menu')
->addItem(new \UssdFramework\UssdMenuItem('0', 'Back', 'e_menu'));
return $this->renderMenu($menu);
# display the menu
public function e_menu(){
return $this->redirect('start');
# Close user's USSD session
public function close()
# closing message
$message = "$this->_header \n\nThank you for using our USSD service";
return $this->render($message);
- Install Docker
- Run Redis Docker Image
$ docker run -d -p 6379:6379 --name redis1 redis
- Resources