Syntax and keyboard shortcuts for editing Markdown files.
If you're using vim-plug, add this
line to your ~/.vimrc
plugin section:
Plug 'hughbien/md-vim'
If you're using Vundle, add this
line to your ~/.vimrc
plugin section:
Plugin 'hughbien/md-vim'
If you're using Pathogen, drop this
project under ~/.vim/bundle
Otherwise, you'll need to copy two files:
$ cp ftplugin/md.vim ~/.vim/ftplugin/md.vim
$ cp syntax/md.vim ~/.vim/syntax/md.vim
For preview support, install mark.
To automatically set filetype and load the plugin:
filetype plugin on " if you don't already have it
au bufnewfile,bufread *.md set ft=md
au bufreadpost *.md call md#setup("q") " where q is your leader key
turns current line into h1<leader>-
turns current line into h2<leader>l
re-numbers ordered lists<leader>x
toggles a task line<leader>t
formats a table<leader>z
folds current file according to headers<leader>p
preview in browser
Copyright Hugh Bien, Released under BSD License, see for more info.