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The one annoying style to rule them all...

A quick way to maintain unified code-style with minimal faffing, while still allowing project-specific additions and tweaks.


npx @hugsmidjan/hxmstyle [--optionflags]

this installs the hxmstyle linting/formatting ruleset, adds the neccessary basic, no-frills eslint and prettier dependencies to your project, and creates a starter .eslintrc, .prettierrc and .editorconfig files, if needed.

It also adds the handy CLI command hxmstyle that helps you update your plugins and add/remove optional preset bundles.

If the installer detects that your project is using TypeScript, it installs the relevant TS plugins and a minimal tsconfig.json file with compilerOptions.strict: true. (As if you'd run hxmus --typescript)

Similarily if react (or preact or inferno) is detected, a react plugin is installed. (As if you'd run hxmstyle --react)

And if scss is detected, stylelint plugin is installed. (As if you'd run hxmstyle --scss)

Install options

Both the npx installer and the local CLI command take one or more optional flags.

hxmstyle --typescript --react --scss

is the same as

hxmstyle --typescript
hxmstyle --react
hxmstyle --scss

To turn off one or more options pass false as a value, like so:

hxmstyle --react=false --scss=false --typescript=false

...or edit your package.json's hxmstyle.options field and set the corresponding property to false.


To upgrade the managed packages and plugins to a new version simply do.

yarn upgrade hxmstyle

Adding new plugins and custom rules

Changing the default rules should generally be avoided.

If neccessary simply add those plugins using yarn/npm and make the neccessary changes to .eslintrc.js, .prettierrc.js and/or .stylintrc.

If one of your .*rc files goes missing or gets corrupted, you can find fresh ones in the "starters" directory.

Framework/library-specific config presets can be added to your project's .eslintrc.js file via the extends property. These values are loaded after the hxmstyle rules.

However, in some cases you may want to set them to a lower priority by adding them in via the extendsFirst array.

Removing (stylelint) plugins

The hxmstyle core plugins can not be changed without breaking hxmstyle. If your project can't use the core plugins, then don't use hxmstyle.

Hxmstyle does not uninstall or remove plugins if you change an options flag to false, and not even if hxmstyle changes its mind about which plugins to install. The old plugins must be garbage-colleced manually, using npm or yarn.

(This policy prevents hxmstyle from accidentally removing plugins that you might have installed yourself for some reason.)

However, packgage.json always contains an updated list of hxmstyle.dependencies that you can consult when tidying up your stylelint-* devDependencies.

Example npm scripts

Consider adding an npm script similar to this one to your project's package.json:

    "scripts": {
        "format": "eslint --fix  \"*.{js,ts,tsx}\" \"_src/**/*.{js,ts,tsx}\"  &&  prettier --write \"*.{md,json,yml}\" \"src/**/*.{md,json,yml}\"",

(See the documentation on ESLint's Command Line Interface for more info.)

This script can be run as part of npm prepublishOnly script, or added as a pre-push git hook for your project.

VSCode setup

Add these plugins:

...and these settings:

    // Essentials
    "eslint.autoFixOnSave": true,
    "eslint.validate": [
      { "language": "typescript", "autoFix": true },
      { "language": "typescriptreact", "autoFix": true }
    // NOTE: This one might be best set on a per-workspace basis:
    "editor.formatOnSave": true,

    "[javascript]": {
      "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode"
    "[typescript]": {
      "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode"
    "[typescriptreact]": {
      "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode"

    // stylelint scss config
    "css.validate": false,
    "scss.validate": false,
    "stylelint.validate": ["css", "postcss", "scss"],
    "stylelint.snippet": ["css", "postcss", "scss"],
    "[scss]": {
      "editor.defaultFormatter": "stylelint.vscode-stylelint"

...and make sure that the project root (where .eslintrc.js and package.json are) is set up as a "workspace folder". Otherwise add its path to your workspace settings:

"eslint.workingDirectories": [
"stylint.workingDirectories": [

Advanced Options

The hxmstyle's core eslint config module accepts a second options parameter. The supported options are:

  • pkg: The project's package.json contents. Useful when your editor is having trouble auto-resolving the project root.
  • _guiltily_disable_prettier: A value of true will turn off ESLint's Prettier "auto-fixes". This is sometimes neccessary when working with large existing malformatted code-bases.
module.exprts = require('@hugsmidjan/hxmgulp)(
    // custom eslint config...
    pkg: require('./package.json'),
    _guiltily_disable_prettier: true,


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