I created my designs in Figma and imported some of text as svg (loading page). I used Adobe Photoshop to import and create my thumbnails for Tech Stack and Projects.
Create react app using npx create-react-app. I did not use any templates to create my portfolio as I wanted to implement my fully personalised designs and I also wanted to enjoy the experience of creating my portfolio myself.
Created my portfolio one component at a time. I have individual folders for every component. For styling, each component has individual css file within its folder. All images being used in my portfolio are added to an assets folder inside my source folder. First component created was the animated loading page.
For animations, I used Framer Motion and anime.js. The loading page, navbar, hero, about and projects components have various animations being used in them.
The contact me section is working with email.js. It is a plugin which does not require backend settings but an account on emailjs' website. Then the account is linked through service ID and an access token. All relevant setup instructions are available in emailjs documentation. It manages all correspondence from my portfolio to my personal email.
I have used Mailgo plugin for direct email options. It has a beautifully designed modal and gives options to choose an email platform of choice and opens the user's individual email client setup. There is an option to just copy my email address and manually paste in in whatever emailing platform the user wants to email me from.
I have also linked my Github, social media platforms such as LinkedIn and Twitter to my portfolio. I also have a link to my updated resumé through google docs.