This is a weighted feature-based calculator of phonological similarity.
Make sure you installed python 3.
Make sure you put 'yourfeaturefile.txt' inside of the master folder
The basic usage is:
- Make your own featurefile 'yourfeaturefile.txt' as what I did in "lezgian.txt". UCLA Pheatures Spreadsheet is a nice tool.
- Choose segmental inventory in UCLA Pheatures Spreadsheet, obtain all features and copy+paste all to a Excel/Numbers/any spreadsheets.
- Export the spreadsheet to a tab-delimited table in .txt file.
- Choose your directory: Type following code in your Command Line tools (Windows) or Terminal (Mac), add your own directory after cd.
cd [your directory]
- Run the python program: Type following code in your Command Line tools or Terminal.
python3 yourfeaturefile.txt
The output will be a similarity-matrix.csv file with all the computed similarities.
The easiest way to change the weights of features in the dlist of
If you want to commit to this program, only matters. Other files are kept for my other research purpose.
If you use this program in your work, please cite: Dai, H. (2021). Gradient Similarity in Lezgian Laryngeal Harmony: Representation and Computation. In 38th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (pp. 147-157). Cascadilla Proceedings Project.
@inproceedings{dai_gradient_2021, title = {Gradient similarity in {Lezgian} laryngeal harmony: representation and computation}, url = {}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 38th {West} {Coast} {Conference} on {Formal} {Linguistics}}, publisher = {Cascadilla Press}, author = {Dai, Huteng}, year = {2021}, }
- Feel free to contact me (hutengdai[*] if you have any questions!