SQL template strings
var SQL = require('prepare-sql')
const username = 'emilbayes'
// Query with template string
const select = SQL`SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ${username}`
const insertRows = ['mafintosh', 'chm-diederichs']
.map(u => SQL`(${u}, ${Date.now()})`)
// SQL.join can combine queries
const insert = SQL`INSERT INTO users (username, create_at)
VALUES ${SQL.join(insertRows)}`
// You can also nest queries inside each other
const statement = SQL`DO $$
END $$`
// Or use append to perform a mix of safe and unsafe query building
var updateKey = 'username'
var updateValue = 'emil'
const update = SQL`UPDATE users SET `
.append(`${updateKey} = `) // Unsafe!
.append(SQL`${updateValue}`) // Safe
.append(SQL`WHERE username = ${username}::text`) // Also safe
Returns a prepared query statement in PostgreSQL format (eg. $1
for placeholders).
Works directly with pg
const { Client } = require('pg')
const SQL = require('prepare-sql')
const client = new Client()
client.query(SQL`SELECT ${'Hello world!'}::text as message`, (err, res) => {
console.log(err ? err.stack : res.rows[0].message) // Hello World!
Returns a prepared query statement in MySQL format (eg. ?
for placeholders).
Works directly with mysql
SQL`SELECT * FROM books WHERE author = ${'David'}`,
function (error, results, fields) {
// error will be an Error if one occurred during the query
// results will contain the results of the query
// fields will contain information about the returned results fields (if any)
List of extracted values from the template string. Note that nested queries will
be collapsed, eg.
SQL`SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = ${'emil'} AND ${SQLusername = ${'emilbayes'}`}
will result in ['emil', 'emilbayes']
despite them being nested.
Append to the original query. Can be either a string for unsafe query parts eg. static SQL, or another SQL tagged template.
Join together multiple SQL tagged templates. Useful with key-values in UPDATE
statements or combining many rows for INSERT
. Default separator is ','
(like Array.prototype.join
), but can be any string.
npm install prepare-sql