A python parse script for Voltcraft's Energy-Loggers. Tested with binary files from the versions 3500 and 4000, might work with more. The implementation is based on Voltcraft's documentation. The project doesn't have any additional dependencies.
usage: python -m voltcraft_el_parser [-h] binary_path [out_path]
A parser for EL3500/EL4000 binary files
positional arguments:
binary_path path to the input binary file
out_path path for output .csv file (optional)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
python -m voltcraft_el_parser binfile.bin out.csv
> will export to out.csvpython -m voltcraft_el_parser binfile.bin
> will export to binfile.csv
from voltcraft_el_parser.binary_parser import parse_file
path_in = 'tests/data/b1c622b2.bin'
data = parse_file(path_in)
for time, voltage, ampere, power_factor in data: