N.B. This project took me about month or more to finish it, Just because I didn’t have enough time for it, i just gave it 1 hour/day, some days I didn’t open it; cause i work as full time and i also have another side projects for my clients, So it wasn’t on my top priorities.
Hope you enjoy it and find it helpful!
✅ Dynamic Dashboard
✅ Responsive Design
✅ SEO Friendly
✅ [Skills - Projects - Blogs] Editor
🌟 MidJourney Images
- Intervention
- Bootstrap
- jQuery
- jQueryUI
- Select2
- DataTables
- Tagify
- Image-Uploadify
- ApexCharts
- CKEditor
- FontAwesome
- SweetAlert
- intlTelInput
- react-icons [Icons]
- AOS [Animation]
- react-lottie [JSON Animation Canvas Library]
- react-spring [Animation Library]
- react-content-loader [Lazy Loading Components]
- axios [HTTP Requests]
- Redux [State Managment]
- Splide [Carousel]
- node-sass [Importing vars from sass files to react]
First, run the following command only once:
Create a link for storage folder into public to access it
php artisan storage:link
Migrate the database tables
php artisan migrate
Setting up server permissions for storage folder
chmod -R 775 storage
chmod -R 775 bootstrap/cache
chown -R www-data:www-data storage bootstrap/cache
php artisan generate:sitemap
Install required dependencies
npm install
Start react project on localhost
npm start
gulp watch-sass
sass --watch resources/js/src/assets/styles/style.scss:resources/js/src/assets/styles/style.css
gulp css
sass resources/js/src/assets/styles/style.scss:resources/js/src/assets/styles/style.css
npm install
npm audit fix -force
npm run build
npm run build-linux
- Generate a new bundle file
- Convert SCSS files into one css file
- Copy All media and styles to public dircectory
For any inquiries or support, please email me at abdelrahmansamirmostafa@gmail.com or visit my website at abdelrahman.online.