A node.js module implementing the MySQL protocol.
I'm working on this driver because I need it for my own startup (transloadit.com), but it's a big project (~100-200 hours) with obvious benefits to other companies who are using MySql.
So if your company could benefit from a well-engineered node.js mysql driver, I would greatly appriciate any sponsorship you may be able to provide. All sponsors will get lifetime display in this readme, priority support on problems, and votes on roadmap decisions. If you are interested, contact me at felix@debuggable.com for details.
Of course I'm also happy about code contributions. If you're interested in working on features, just get in touch so we can talk about API design and testing.
- TDD: All code is written using test driven development, code coverage should approach 100%
- Simplicity: The MySQL protocol is easy, a good parser should reflect that
- Efficiency: Use fast algorithms, buffers and as little memory as possible.
- Portability: Should run anywhere node runs
- Completeness: The goal is to support the full MySQL API.
- Compatibility: MySql >= 4.1
var Client = new require('mysql').Client,
client = new Client();
client.user = 'root';
client.password = 'root';
client.query('CREATE DATABASE '+TEST_CONFIG.database, function() {
if (err && err.errorNumber != Client.ERROR_DB_CREATE_EXISTS) {
throw err;
// If no callback is provided, any errors will be emitted as `'error'`
// events by the client
client.query('USE '+TEST_CONFIG.database);
'title VARCHAR(255), '+
'text TEXT, '+
'created DATETIME, '+
'PRIMARY KEY (id));',
'SET title = ?, text = ?, created = ?',
['super cool', 'this is a nice text', '2010-08-16 10:00:23'],
var query = client.query(
'SET title = ?, text = ?, created = ?',
['another entry', 'because 2 entries make a better test', '2010-08-16 12:42:15']
gently.expect(function selectCb(err, results, fields) {
if (err) {
throw err;
Creates a new client instance. Any client property can be set using the `options array.
The host to connect to.
The port to connect to.
The username to authenticate as.
The password to use.
The name of the database to connect to (optional).
Connection flags send to the server.
Initiates a connection to the specified host server.
Sends a sql
query to the server. '?'
characters can be used as placeholders
for an array of params
that will be safely escaped before sending the final
This method returns a Query
object which can be used to stream incoming row
Allows to safely insert a list of params
into a sql
string using the
placeholder mechanism described above.
Escapes a single val
for use inside of a sql string.
Closes the connection to the server.
When the client has no callback / delegate for an error, it is emitted with this event instead.
Query objects are not meant to be invoked manually. To get a query object, use
the client.query
Emitted when mysql returns an error packet for the query.
Emitted upon receiving a field packet from mysql.
Emitted upon receiving a row. An option for streaming the contents of the row itself will be made available soon.
Emitted once the query is finished. In case there is no result set, a result
parameter is provided which contains the information from the mysql OK packet.
At this point the module is ready to be tried out, but a lot of things are yet to be done:
- Prepared Statements
- Test using no Password
- Charsets handling
- Import Error code constants
- ...
node-mysql is licensed under the MIT license.