Code to work with AVEVA PDMS RVM files. Written completely from scratch, intended to be very fast, small, and with little dependencies, so it is trivial to include in existing projects.
Includes a sample application that:
- Reads AVEVA PDMS binary RVM and attribute files.
- Tries to match adjacent geometries to:
- Avoid adding internal caps between adjacent shapes.
- Align circumferential sample points between adjacent shapes.
- Triangulate primitive shapes with a prescribed error tolerance.
- Optionally merges groups using a prescribed list of groups.
- Exports geometry as Wavefront OBJ files
- Exports geometry as GLTF files
- Exports attributes as json.
- Exports database as .rev text files
Usage: rvmparser [options] files
Files with .rvm-suffix will be interpreted as a geometry files, and files with .txt or .att suffix
will be interpreted as attribute files. A rvm file typically has a matching attribute file.
--keep-regex=<keep-regex> Prune hierarchy by flattening node hierarchy that has names
that do not match the regular expression. Note that the full
name must match the regex, not just a part of the name, e.g.,
the regex ^/.* will match all names that start with /.
--keep-groups=filename.txt Provide a list of group names to keep. Groups not itself or
with a child in this list will be merged with the first
parent that should be kept.
--discard-groups=filename.txt Provide a list of group names to discard, one name per line.
Groups with its name in this list will be discarded along
with its children. Default is no groups are discarded.
--output-json=<filename.json> Write hierarchy with attributes to a json file.
--output-txt=<filename.txt> Dump all group names to a text file.
--output-rev=filename.rev Write database as a text .rev file.
--output-obj=<filenamestem> Write geometry to an obj file. The suffices .obj and .mtl are
added to the filenamestem.
--output-gltf=<filename.gltf> Write geometry into a GLTF file (pure JSON with buffers base64
or <filename.glb> encoded inline) or a GLB file (JSON with binary buffers in a
GLB container). Type of file is specified by the suffix.
--output-gltf-attributes=<bool> Include rvm attributes in the extra member of nodes. Default
value is true.
--output-gltf-center=<bool> Position the model at the bounding box center and store the
position of this origin in the asset's extra field. This is
useful if the model is so far away from the origin that float
precision becomes an issue. Defaults value is false.
--output-gltf-rotate-z-to-y=<bool> Add an extra node below the root that adds a clockwise
rotation of 90 degrees about the X axis such that the +Z axis
will map to the +Y axis, which is the up-direction of GLTF-
files. Default value is true.
--output-gltf-merge-geos=<bool> If true, all geometries below a node will be merged instead
of having a dummy holder node to hold each geometry piece.
This transform geometries into common frames, disable this to
avoid that. Default value is true.
--output-gltf-split-level=<uint> Specify a level in the hierarchy to split the output into
multiple files, where 0 implies no split. Geometries and
attributes below the split point are included in the first
file, while subsequent files while have empty nodes just to
represent the hierarchy. Default value is 0.
--group-bounding-boxes Include wireframe of boundingboxes of groups in output.
--color-attribute=key Specify which attributes that contain color, empty key
implies that material id of group is used.
--tolerance=value Tessellation tolerance, given in world frame. Default value
is 0.1.
--cull-scale=value Cull objects smaller than cull-scale times tolerance. Set to
a negative value to disable culling. Disabled by default.
Download automatic release builds from releases
Clone the git repo, and update submodules
git submodule update --init --recursive
The submodule dependencies are:
- libtess2 is used to triangulate polygon more complex than quads.
- rapidjson is used to output attributes as JSON.
The project is just a few source-files, so it should be trivial to use with any build systems.
Open msvc15\rvmparser.sln
in visual studio and build the solution.
Enter the make
directory and type make
This application is available to anybody free of charge, under the terms of the MIT License (see LICENSE).