As a dedicated AI undergraduate with a proven track record of excellence, I am driven by a passion for technology and innovation. My ambition is to start my professional journey in a dynamic environment where I can gain valuable, comprehensive experience. I pride myself on being self-motivated and detail-oriented, balancing my academic pursuits with active participation in extracurricular activities. These experiences have been instrumental in shaping my skills, personality, and overall attitude. I thrive on challenges and am always eager to learn something new. Recently, I have done an exciting project that blend AI, ML, and web development.
Volunteerism is a significant aspect of my life, playing a crucial role in my personal and professional growth. It has allowed me to enhance my abilities, expand my horizons, and make meaningful contributions to society. I am actively seeking opportunities that will allow me to continue this path of growth and service.
🌟 IFS Community Page ChatBot & Problem Recommendation System
- The project aims to improve the functionality and effectiveness of IFS Community Page Supply Chain Management section by Utilizing AI technology, introducing a problem dash board and a Chatbot.
Role : UI/UX Designer, Full-Stack Developer
ReactJS , Flask, Python, Figma
🪫 Automated Battery Monitoring System - Hardware (2023)
- A device that can be used to safely discharge and charge a range of Lead Acid batteries and monitor voltage and current fluctuations to determine anomalies. It is also consisted of mechanisams to detect various health defects of the battery by measurements of their voltage, heat and current changing rates.
Technologies : Atmega - 32, C
- Languages: Python, Java, C, Prolog, Arduino
- Web Development: HTML, CSS, PHP, Javascript, Wordpress
- Database: MYSQL, MSSQL, MongoDB
- Frameworks: React.js, Flask, FastAPI
- AI/ML: Hugging Face Transformers
- UI Design: Figma
- Tools: Git, VS Code
- Video Editing: Premier Pro, After Effects
- Design Tools: Photoshop, Illustrator, Lightroom, Coreldraw, GIMP, Inkscape, Canva
- 3D Modelling: Blender, Sketchup, Zbrush
- 📚 Deepening my understanding of Reinforcement Learning
- 🌐 Enhancing my skills in Full-Stack Development
- LinkedIn:
- HackerRank:
I can understand the language of Kittens and how they behave depending on the situation😝 and I can imitate and doub characters from early childhood and sound exact as them😋
I'm on a mission to innovate and create impactful solutions. Follow my journey as I explore the frontiers of AI and technology. Let's connect, collaborate, and make something amazing together!