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Welcome to Storeify 👋

Storeify is an online ecommerce website built with Python/Django and Bootstrap. An ecommece with Registration, Login with Token Based Verification & Message Alerts. Reset Password with Secure Validation Links. Cart Checkout, automatically assign the Cart Items to Logged-in User.


In Development 🚧






  • Python 3+
  • Pip

Running this project localy

To get this project up and running clone this repository and you should start by having Python installed on your computer. It's advised you create a virtual environment to store your projects dependencies separately. You can install virtualenv with

pip install virtualenv

Clone or download this repository and open it in your editor of choice. In a terminal (mac/linux) or windows terminal, run the following command in the base directory of this project

virtualenv env or python3 -m venv env

That will create a new folder env in your project directory. Next activate it with this command on mac/linux:

source env/bin/active

Activate Virtual Enviroment Windows:


Then install the project dependencies with

pip install -r requirements.txt

Migrate the Database:

python migrate

Create SuperUser:

python createsuperuser

Now you can run the project with this command

python runserver


👤 Ibrahim Ramadhan


This project is based on the goal of improving my skills as a Self-taught enthusiast and the best way to improve is by building projects. I wanted to gain a deeper understanding of Django and Object-oriented programming in Python. I have learnt different technologies for the project and I keep on learning new skills as I add new features to the project.

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues page. You can also take a look at the contributing guide.

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