PokemOZ is a Pokemon fan-game made for an IT UCL course. The game is written with the functional programming language Mozart/Oz. Maximum of points for the code. No modifications were made since the submission. Enjoy!
ozengine PokemOZ.ozf -m [map file] -p [probability] -s [speed] -a [autofight] -t [admin]
[map file] : Map, Map2, Map3, Map4
default: Map
[probability] : Value between 0 and 10
[speed] : Same, Range [0:10]
[autofight] : normal (never automatic)
fight (automatic)
run (always trying to run during battle against wild PokemOZ)
intel (IA, but at this time not complete, so poor IA)
default: fight
[admin] : test (skips the title screen, add gives you all the game's PokemOZ, the first one being the stronger one)
- ozengine PokemOZ.ozf -m Map3 -p 1 -s 8 -a fight
- ozengine PokemOZ.ozf -m Map -a normal -t test
-Enter Continue (only during title screen)
-w Accept, acquiesce, select, go next
-x Refuse, go back
-arrow keys Move
-s Pressed in the beginning of the game: skip optional scenes
-r Change autofight to 'run' (cannot undo during a fight)
-f Change autofight to 'fight' (cannot undo during a fight)
-i Change autofight to 'intel' (cannot undo during a fight)
-n Change autofight to 'normal'
The followings were not tested:
-v Increase speed's value
-Control_L Decrease speed's value
-p Increase probability's value
-Shift_L Decrease probability's value
If you're moving in the field vision of a student, then he comes "speak" to you. In the same way, if you're not moving, even if you're in their field vision, they let you go.
If you walk on the grass and if the Probability parameter > 0, then a wild PokemOZ can attack you.
You can either run or capture a wild PokemOZ, change or recover your fighting PokemOZ, or simply attack your opponent.
The more high the level and the HP of the wild PokemOZ are, the more difficult is his capture and your run's attempt, and so high is his attack's level of efficency.