iCal4j ZoneInfo Outlook provides alternate timezone definitions that may provide greater compatibility with certain versions of Microsoft Outlook. These definitions are generated using tzurl - a fork of vzic, and apparently avoid things Outlook doesn't like (such as RDATE properties).
To use the alternate timezone definitions you may create a custom TimeZoneRegistry instance using the applicable prefix:
CalendarParser parser = CalendarParserFactory.getInstance().createParser();
PropertyFactoryRegistry propertyFactoryRegistry = new PropertyFactoryRegistry();
propertyFactoryRegistry.register(WrTimezone.PROPERTY_NAME, WrTimezone.FACTORY);
propertyFactoryRegistry.register(WrCalName.PROPERTY_NAME, WrCalName.FACTORY);
ParameterFactoryRegistry parameterFactoryRegistry = new ParameterFactoryRegistry();
TimeZoneRegistry tzRegistry = new TimeZoneRegistryImpl("zoneinfo-outlook/");
builder = new CalendarBuilder(parser, propertyFactoryRegistry, parameterFactoryRegistry, tzRegistry);
A convenient factory for the Outlook-compatible definitions is also provided, so in such cases all you need to do is add the following property to your ical4j.properties included in your classpath: