CLI with the objective of obtaining information about movies/series and people involved in production via the terminal. Presenting the most relevant information directly on your terminal.
- Title
- Streaming link
- Dates
- Cast/Crew
- Trailer
- IMDB ratings
- Summary
Ability to navigate between people and works.
pip install popcornshow
popcornshow [movie or series name] - Search for a list that matches the given text.
popcornshow --year -y [2000] - Search for media released in a specific year.
popcornshow --type -t [m] [s] - Search for media of a specific type. Movie or Series.
popcornshow -l --luck - Return/choose the first option returned by the search.
popcornshow -h - Show the default Help screen.
Documentation on ReadTheDocs
Application made 100% in Python
Information obtained from RealGood
There is a more comprehensive version for Android: