install docker-compose https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/
Clone the project
modify the
variable in [docker-compose-idan.yml] (https://github.com/idanaroz/kafka-docker/blob/master/docker-compose-idan.yml) to match your docker host IP (Note: Do not use localhost or as the host ip if you want to run multiple brokers.) For example, you can use: $ hostname -I | grep -o '^\S*' -
modify the
var in [docker-compose-idan.yml] (https://github.com/idanaroz/kafka-docker/blob/master/docker-compose-idan.yml) to match your docker host IP (same ip as on step 3) with the port 9092 concatenated (Should hold). e.g.
$ (sudo) docker-compose -f docker-compose-idan.yml up
The containers images:
Kafka and zookeeper images was taken from docker hub ( https://hub.docker.com/r/wurstmeister/zookeeper/ , https://github.com/wurstmeister/kafka-docker)
Kafka producer service was created: https://github.com/idanaroz/kafka-producer . Its image was uploaded to docker hub: https://cloud.docker.com/u/idanaroz/repository/docker/idanaroz/kafka-server-producer
Kafka consumer worker was created: https://github.com/idanaroz/kafka-consumer . Its image was uploaded to docker hub: https://cloud.docker.com/u/idanaroz/repository/docker/idanaroz/kafka-consumer
curl -X POST \ http://<KAFKA_ADVERTISED_HOST_NAME>:8080/produce \ -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \ -H 'content-type: application/json' \ -H 'postman-token: 54bdf002-bc1e-c318-2886-5f126c2cccf9' \ -d '"Message content"'
sudo docker exec -it "<container-id>" sh