This project contains solutions to various coding exercises, problems, algorithms, puzzles etc.
- Go Exercises on the Go Playground
Problem Solving
- Strings > Tag Content Extractor: task, solution
- BigNumber > Java BigDecimal: task, solution
- Data Structures > Java Subarray: task, solution
- Data Structures > Java 1D Array (Part 2): task, iterative solution, recursive solution
- Data Structures > Java Stack: task, solution
- Data Structures > Java Dequeue: task, solution
- Data Structures > Java BitSet: task, solution
- Itertools > Compress the String!: task, solution
- Itertools > Iterables and Iterators: task, solution
- Itertools > Maximize It!: task, solution
- Collections > Word Order: task, solution
- Collections > Piling Up!: task, solution
- Collections > Company Logo: task, solution
- Date and Time > Time Delta: task, solution
- Built-Ins > Athlete Sort: task, solution
- Built-Ins > Any or All: task, solution
- Built-Ins > ginortS: task, solution
- Python Functionals > Map and Lambda Function: task, solution
- Python Functionals > Validating Email Addresses With a Filter: task, solution
- Lesson 1 - Iterations
- BinaryGap: task, Java solution, Python solution
- Lesson 2 - Arrays
- OddOccurrences In Array: task, Java solution, Python solution
- CyclicRotation: task, Java solution, Python solution
- Lesson 3 - Time Complexity
- TapeEquilibrium: task, Java solution, Python solution
- FrogJmp: task, Java solution, Python solution
- PermMissingElem: task, Python solution
- Lesson 4 - Counting Elements
- FrogRiverOne: task, Python solution
- MissingInteger: task, Python solution
- PermCheck: task, Python solution
- MaxCounters: task, Python solution
- Lesson 5 - Prefix Sums
- CountDiv: task, Python solution
- PassingCars: task, Python solution
- GenomicRangeQuery: task, Python solution, Python solution 2