JavaScript tool for drawing arbitrary GeoJSON data on the spherical planet model. Requires a ThreeJS 3D library for its work.
GeoJSONPlanet(texture, canvasDOMId, opts),
is some image, it is assumed that it is a planetary map
in the equirectangular projection; texture
will be superimposed on the sphere surface.
Here are all current possible members of opts
: width of canvas (default:canvas.clientWidth
: height of canvas (default:canvas.clientHeights
: background color (default:‘0x000000’
: enable a user to zoom camera (default:true
: camera field of view (default:42
: camera near limiter (default:0.1
: camera far limiter (default:2.7
: camera z position (default:3
: SphereGeometry widthSegments parameter (default:80
: SphereGeometry heightSegments parameter (default:60
: color of the ocean sphere (default:‘0xaaaaaa’
: minFilter value for the planet sphere texture (default:THREE.NearestMipmapNearestFilter
: color of the rotation axis (default:‘0xffffff’
: angle of the rotation axis (default:0
, currently angle can be only in XY plane),dMin
: minimum distance (grad) between nodes of various string dependent geometries; if specified then the special precedure supplements strings with additional nodes (default:null
: ifdMin
is specified the special function can provide additional nodes; that function uses method specified bydFuncN
option for defining distance between two points on the sphere (1: the fastest, but inaccurate; 2: more slowly, but accurate for close points; 3: exact, but the slowest; default: mixed approach).
Make the planet model rotating around axis with speed
Let a user to rotate the planet model with speed
drawGeoJSON(geojson, subsFtOptsArr).
Draw GeoJSON data with a drawing style specified with subsFtOptsArr
defines Material and Geometry properties (styles) which are used
while ThreeJS draws corresponding geospatial features.
const subsFtOptsArr = [
'Polygon': {"linewidth" : 1, 'color': '0x2550b9'},
'MultiPolygon': {"linewidth" : 1, 'color': '0x2550b9'}
'Point': {"radius" : 0.02, 'color': '0xf00000'},
'MultiPoint': {"radius" : 0.02, 'color': '0x2f0000'},
'LineString': {"linewidth" : 1, 'color': '0xf0f000'},
'MultiLineString': {"linewidth" : 1, 'color': '0xf0f000'},
'Polygon': {"linewidth" : 1, 'color': '0xaaa9a0', "dashSize": 0.02, "gapSize": 0.03},
'MultiPolygon': {"linewidth" : 1, 'color': '0xaaa9a0', "dashSize": 0.02, "gapSize": 0.03}
Alternative or complementary approach involves setting the style directly in the GeoJSON structure for each Feature.
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": [{
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [112.0, 30.5]
"properties": {
"threeJSOpts": [{
"color": "0x44aa00",
"radius" : 0.01
}, {
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "LineString",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"prop0": "value0",
"threeJSOpts": [{
"linewidth": 1
See the tutorial for more information.