Set of Data Engineering functions which I use a lot in ETL data processing.
It all started with print(df).. then print(df.values.tolist()).. then prettify with tabulate... After some time and work, I noticed which parts of code I use the most and in every script, thus I made functions. Fast forward.. after some amount of functions this is a logical step to Python module on PyPI (soon).
I use them as a local module
import sys
from df_utils import db, du, fi
I separate them in 3 different files:
db - for database connectors wiki
- mssqlsrv(sqlserver, database, **kwargs)
- oracle(hostname, database, **kwargs)
- postgresql(hostname, database, **kwargs)
- df_2_mssqlsrv(df, engine_name, schema_name, table_name, ifexist)
- df_2_sqlite(df, db_path, table_name)
- get_xlsx_data(file, sheet)
- df_merged_headers(cl, delimiter)
- 🔥 get_xlsx(fn, **kwargs)
- from_excel_ordinal(ordinal, _epoch0=datetime(1899, 12, 31))
- df_append_2_xlsx(df, file_name, sheet_name)
- 🔥 df_2_xlsx(df, fn, sn, ac=1, m=0, s=0, sr=0)
- print_df(df, **kwargs)
- df_dtypes(df, mode)
- split_df(df, lines = 1000)
- df_unique(df, col, id=0)
- clean_df(res, fillna='')
- transpose_list(list_in, na=None)
- rotate_list(l, n)
- flatten_list(in_list)
- remove_sublist(main_list, unwanted_list)
- check_sublist(main_list, sub_list, exception=0)
- list_2_pickle(src_list, fn)
- pickle_2_list(fn)
- list_slice(list, chunks)
- replace_many(text, dic)
- fuzzy_compare_lists(source_list, match_list, limit_level, fast=0)
- list_2_str(source_list)
- num_2_str(data)
- new_folder(folder, mode=0)
- get_file_list(path, extension, mode=0)
- split_by_size(path, file_list, size)
- cp_multi_2_one(file_list, dst_path)
Let say I want to read an xlsx (MS Excel) file and print the content of a worksheet.
import sys
sys.path.append('/home/igorp/Documents/CODE/GitHub') #place your path to the df_utils folder
from df_utils import du
from pathlib import Path
fn = Path(r'/home/igorp/Documents/CODE/MISC/Python/Proba.xlsx') # Place your path to the source xlsx file
# Now, just read xlsx
df = du.get_xlsx_data(fn, 'Milka')
# print raw DataFrame
du.print_df(df, vt=2, e=0)
# print cleaned DataFrame
res = du.clean_df(df)
du.print_df(res, vt=3)
Notice that first dataframe is printed as is, without cleaning, then for comparison, there is another print with cleaned dataframe.
In this example, I am going to establish a connection to 2 databases; one local and one remote (Heroku). I will query and collect some data from tables in both databases and left join them together into final result.
# 🧰 My toolbox
import sys
from df_utils import db, du, up
import pandas as pd
from timeit import default_timer as timer
start = timer()
import sqlite3
# 🔑 My password vault...
conn = sqlite3.connect('/home/igorp/Documents/CODE/Vault/secure_box.sqlite')
Above code is header and declaration of modules I need in this script. Notice that I use SQLite local database for storing my passwords, so they cannot be visible in my scripts (like this one).
# Local database (PostgreSQL)
host_name = ''
database = 'data'
user_name = 'root'
password = up.get_password(conn, 1)
# Heroku database (PostgreSQL)
host_name2 = ""
database2 = "da2g6qll5cjhkd"
user_name2 = "qkrfbcuatvnhha"
password2 = up.get_password(conn, 2)
engine = db.postgresql(host_name, database,
a_username = user_name,
a_password = password
engine2 = db.postgresql(host_name2, database2,
a_username = user_name2,
a_password = password2
ex= ''
Connection strings to both local and remote database and engine creation for both of them.
df = pd.read_sql("select id as professorid, first_name, last_name from dbo.professor_csv", con=engine)
du.print_df(df, c=0, d=0, vt=2, e=0)
df2 = pd.read_sql("select * from dbo.course_csv", con=engine2)
du.print_df(df2, c=0, d=0, vt=2, e=0)
except Exception as ex:
Here I am trying to run queries on each database and collect the results into the DataFrames. Notice that I turned off columns (c=0), dtypes (d=0) and exit (e=0) in du.print_df(df, c=0, d=0, vt=2, e=0). I only left values tabular (vt=2).
df_join = pd.merge(df2,df, how='left', on='professorid', indicator=True)
du.print_df(df_join, c=0, d=0, vt=2, e=0)
Left join between 2 dataframes. This is equivalent for left joining tables in SQL, as it is usual in pandas DataFrame environment. Indicator is turned ON (True), so I have got additional column in result DataFrame "_merge" with indicator do I have the joined data in both tables or just left_only
proc_time = round(timer() - start,2)
print(f'\n⚡⚡⚡ ⏱ Done in: {proc_time} s ⚡⚡⚡')
This is processing time counter.