pypre is an npm binary package for preconfiguring files.
npm install -g pypre
create package.json file in the directory where you have files to preconfigure:
npm init -y
go to the root of your project and run :
npm link
then back to the child directory, run:
npm link [name-of-your-parent-project]
navigate to the directory where you have files you want to preconfigure and create a single .pypre.json file containing the keys:
"filename": "yourfilename",
"vars": {
"var1": "value1",
"var2": "value2",
add a [yourfilename].preconfig.[some-extension] file, with the following placeholders whereever you need them
$preconfigure_[here include the name of your placeholder, without the brackets and only letters]$
in the child package.json add:
"scripts": {
"pypre": "pypre && python3 && rm"
run pypre where [yourfilename].preconfig.[some-extension] is
npm run pypre
this should generate a configured file with the name specified in your .pypre.json and placeholders filled in