SmartVA-Analyze is an application that implements the Tariff 2.0 Method for computer certification of verbal autopsies.
More information and the SmartVA-Analyze application can be found here:
The latest development version of the SmartVA-Analyze application can be found in releases. The application is available as a Windows graphical user interface (GUI), Windows command-line interface (CLI), and Linux binary.
The latest stable version of the SmartVA-Analyze application can be found here:
The SmartVA-Analyze application requires an input csv in the format of the PHMRC Full Questionnaire, PHMRC Shortened (SmartVA) Questionnaire, WHO 2016 Questionnaire or WHO 2022 Questionnaire.. The simplest workflow is to collect verbal autopsy data with ODK Collect and export the questionaire data via ODK Aggregate or ODK Briefcase.
To compile the source code of SmartVA-Analyze, the following applications must be installed:
To build the SmartVA-Analyze application as seen in releases, run one of the following commands:
Windows: build_script.bat
macOS, Linux: $ sh
To create your python environment, either create a conda environment or use the Docker image.
$ conda env create --file=smartva.yaml $ conda activate smartva3
To test your python environment, run the following command to show the available options.
$ python --help
Usage: [OPTIONS] INPUT OUTPUT Options: --country TEXT Data origin country abbreviation. "LIST" displays all. Default is "Unknown". --hiv BOOLEAN Data is from an HIV region. Default is True. --malaria BOOLEAN Data is from a Malaria region. Default is True. --hce BOOLEAN Use Health Care Experience (HCE) variables. Default is True. --freetext BOOLEAN Use "free text" variables. Default is True. --figures BOOLEAN Generate charts and figures output. Default is True. --language [english|chinese|spanish] Language used for output files. --version Show the version and exit. --legacy-format Output files in a format that matches SmartVA v1.2 --help Show this message and exit.
$ mkdir ./test/example/output $ python "./test/example/input/PHMRC_short_example.csv" "./test/example/output" --hiv=False $ python "./test/example/input/WHO_2016_1_5_1_example.csv" "./test/example/output" --language=chinese --country=CHN
Fast tests run by default:
$ pytest
Check all the data, too, with --data-checks flag:
$ pytest --data-checks
- In Miniforge Prompt in Windows::
- $ copy pkgsmartva-win.spec . $ pyinstaller smartva-win.spec --clean
The results will be in the dist folder.