This repository contains most of my config files (dotfiles) for linux/macOS. It has been extensively rewritten on an archlinux based system, so might not work out of the box on other distribs/macOS. These dotfiles are managed using the git bare repository method, see here for details:
The dotfiles are self-explanatory. The configs for the window managers require certain packages to be installed.
To get up and running on a fresh arch install:
0- Clone this repo using the method above.
1- Install yay
git clone
cd yay-git
makepkg -si
2- Install necessary sofware from official repos.
sudo pacman -S alacritty thunar network-manager-applet nitrogen picom xcape fish zsh vim neovim tmux firefox thunderbird rofi dmenu playerctl alsa-utils acpilight
3- Install necessary software from the AUR.
yay -S powerkit optimus-manager libinput-gestures starship todotxt xlayoutdisplay
4- Then one needs to install pyenv, and omf, and update the plugins in vim and neovim, make sure to configure optimus-manager and libinput-gestures by reading their wikis.
5- Then, some additionall software that I use
pacman -S lxappearance lxrandr vlc qbittorrent discord signal-desktop
yay -S stacer spotify slack-desktop zoom zotero lastpass-cli pycharm-professional timeshift etcher
and fonts and curosr theme
pacman -S ttf-joypixels
yay -S nerd-fonts-complete ttf-ms-fonts xcursor-breeze