Motion is a bicycle rental web application and management system built for Adam Smith's portfolio. You can rent bikes anytime within 3 - 4 months from today's date. Any updates such as ratings or administrative adjustments are automatically saved to the cloud. You can filter results with ease. To use the management system you must be logged in as a manager.
This project is not completed at this time. I do have much completed functionality to review, but I have not optimized the the front-end or back-end, completed the front-end styling and images, completed all of the pages and API calls, added numerous fundamental security features, thoroughly tested the application and API, and cleaned up the source code (e.g. eliminated duplicate code, improved namespace choices, improved documentation). I also am using plain JSON files for my database to keep the required programs limited to only Node.js and NPM as well as to avoid the complications that arise when configuring a database across different OSs.
- Install Application
- Browser Compatibility
- View Live Web App
- Demo Credentials
- Project Overview
- Project Structure
- Contact Information
To install this application you must have Node.js version 14, 15, 16, 17, or 18 and NPM version 8 installed on your computer. To install use the following command.
git clone
cd motion
npm install
The Motion application has only been tested using Chrome v105 at this moment. Further browser testing is on the to-do list. Internet Explorer will not be supported at any time for this application. Also at present Firefox is known to not offer enough memory capacity for the history state object.
To view the live Motion web application locally use one of the following commands.
- To start the web server, launch a browser, visit the home page, and
automatically close the server when you close the browser use the following
command. Note that the dependency used to launch the browser has exhibited
bugs. Use command 2 or 3 if that is your experience.
cd <repo-root> npm run open
- To start the web server, launch a browser, visit the home page, and keep
the server running even after you close the browser (i.e. an interrupt
signal will be required to close the server) use the following command. Note
that the dependency used to launch the browser has occasionally failed. Use
command 3 if that is your experience.
cd <repo-root> npm run open-p
- To just start the web server (an interrupt signal will be required to close
the server) use the following command. You will need to manually open a web
browser and navigate to
to view the <repo-root> npm run srv
You can use the following login credentials to login as a manager.
Password: 00000000
You can use the following login credentials to login as a user.
Password: 00000000
I designed a simple framework for this project. I used, as is standard for my projects, a limited number of highly reliable dependencies which reduces bugs, improves security, and increases performance for the application, the server, and the devops pipelines. All needs of HTML generation are passed to the front-end (i.e. all server resources are static files). The decision to use static web resources enables public caching, CDN utilization, and static file servers which drastically reduce the latency of responses for user requests. Beyond simple static file delivery the server is also responsible for a user and manager API whose sole job is to get data from and update data within the database.
When reviewing the React applications you will discover thorough use of many complex data structures which offer a significant performance advantage for filtering the bikes, users, and reservations. For example I used a custom structure based on the suffix tree to instantly return any matching partials of all user names or emails as you type. You will also notice added usability features such as a url that is constantly updated with the application's current state which gives you a chance to share and save searches as well as to add each search result to your web's navigable history.
I believe in giving users an instantaneous experience when interacting with applications as often as possible. As a result I lean towards availability and eventual consistency for front-end and back-end architecture. I am careful to use as many front-end and back-end optimizations as I can. I also am careful to consider the security implications of every decision. I hope you appreciate my work. Thanks for reading.
This project employs various structures per each resource. The main directories represent the base. They are:
This is the tasks directory. It contains act tasks that handle building, linting, loading, and testing the application.src
This directory contains the source code and configuration settings for the application. It is separated into global and page based resources. It is important to note that the pages tree is automatically parsed to create the server routes and resource assignment. Each page must have a Handlebars base template that should load any shared partials automatically, a root Sass stylesheet, a main React app, and an OnlyData configuration file that exports its results to Handlebars, Sass, the server, and the tasks. The underscores preceding directory names prevents them from becoming server routes. Feel free to ask any questions for clarity.srv
This directory contains the server's resources. They include the server's configuration and launch script as well as the compiled HTML pages, the database's initial starting data, and the API methods.www
This directory contains the compiled CSS and JavaScript assets. Any images or other public resources would go here.test
This directory is where all testing goes.
Please message me, Adam Smith, at with any questions you may have about this project or otherwise.