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Simple, lightweight and performant API-oriented HTTP framework


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HttpLight is extremely lightweight, fast and flexible solution based on HttpListener. HttpLight is designed to simplify the process of creating self-hosted high-loaded REST API. HttpLight is multi-threaded and it fully supports async/await actions.

Key features and advantages

  • Focused on an API development;
  • Performant: HttpLight is faster than most popular HTTP frameworks;
  • Uses built-in HTTP implementation, so you don't worry about lacks of HTTP protocol support: HttpLight does not implement HTTP, but it simplifies development;
  • Supports async/await actions;
  • Has a simple and habitual architecture.


All measurements are made with Apache JMeter using 30 threads. Processed requests per second are listed in the table below.

Simple GET Simple POST Single parameter 5 parameters 404
HttpLight 22854 23252 21105 15627 22241
WCF 14679 14510 11406 10190 8111
NancyFx 14072 13533 12513 12206 1013


1. Basics

1.1. Server

All you need to deploy HTTP server is an HttpServer instance. Minimal code is represented below:

using (var server = new HttpServer())
    server.Hosts.Add("*", 8080); // Specify host and port here

Since no action is registered, any request to the server will cause an error 404.

1.2. Controllers and actions

If you want to add some logic to the server, you need to make at least one controller. Controllers are classes inherited from Controller which contain request handlers - actions. Actions are just instance methods which can return an HTTP body of response as string, byte array or stream. Actions must be marked with one (or more) [Method] attributes to give understanding which types of requests should be handled. You can mark methods with short forms, for instance [Get] and [Post]. Then you have to add your controller to the server:

class MainController : Controller
    public string Hello()
        return "Hello!";

    public void EmptyBody()

server.Controllers.Add<MainController>(); // Or .Add(typeof(MainController))

Now your actions are available at http://localhost:8080/Hello and http://localhost:8080/EmptyBody respectively.

1.3. Customizing path

There are different reasons to customize path that is similar to action name by default: resolve collision, simplify it, add prefix, differ GET and POST logic, etc. Mark your action with [Path] attribute to achieve this:

public string Home()
    return "Home page";

After that a home page is available at http://localhost:8080/.

1.4. Action parameters

HttpLight allows you to make parametrized actions. The most popular standard types are supported: integers, float numbers, guids, strings, booleans, their Nullable<> expansions and arrays. For instance, this code:

public string Sum(int a, int b)
    return (a + b).ToString();

Returns "9" for request http://localhost:8080/Sum?a=5&b=4 and "7" for http://localhost:8080/Sum?b=7. You can pass multiple values through URL:

public string Sum(int[] a)
    return (a ?? new int[0]).DefaultIfEmpty().Sum().ToString();

In this case "8" will be response for request http://localhost:8080/Sum?a=5&a=3.

1.5. Parameters source

By default values of parameters are transmitted via URL. You can specify the source of values with [FromUrl] and [FromContent] attributes. Moreover you can customize names or even create two different parameters with the same names but different types:

public void Action1([FromUrl] int? a, [FromUrl("a")] string aRaw)

public void Action2([FromContent] int a)

[FromContent] attribute reads content stream to end, so in case of using this, you are not able to read content as stream. However raw string value is still available:

public void Action([FromContent] int a)
    var raw = Request.Content.RawContent;

1.6. Async pattern

HttpLight fully supports async/await pattern. Just make async action instead of sync and use it without any restrictions:

public async Task<string> Hello()
    return await Task.Run(() => "Hello!");

2. Customization

2.1. Parameters binder

Sometimes you can be not satisfied by default binder. Default binder converts URL-encoded value to specified type. You can create your own binder. For example, you can use your model as parameter. The simpliest example is represented below:

class CustomModel
    public string A { get; set; }
    public string B { get; set; }

class CustomBinder : IActionParameterBinder
    public object Bind(ActionParameterBinderContext context)
        return new CustomModel
            // Extract values from given source
            A = context.Source.GetValues(context.ParameterName + "a").FirstOrDefault(),
            B = context.Source.GetValues(context.ParameterName + "b").FirstOrDefault()

public void Action([Binder(typeof(CustomBinder))] CustomModel x)

Test this with request to http://localhost:8080/Action?xa=1&xb=2.

2.2. Custom status page

You can customize error pages such as 404 or 500. To achieve this, mark your action with [StatusCode] attribute and specify status code as argument:

public string NotFound()
    return "404";

2.3. Common action before any request

It can be useful if you want to check headers and cookies or implement authentication. Mark your action with [Before] attribute and return nothing (void or null) to continue processing or something if request must be abandoned:

public string CheckSession()
    var sessionCookie = Request.Cookies["SessionId"];
    if (sessionCookie == null)
        return "Session is not started";
    Request.Bag["SessionId"] = sessionCookie.Value;
    return null;

public void Action()
    var sessionId = (string) Request.Bag["SessionId"];

Action will be invoked only if cookie that contains session identifier is defined.


Simple, lightweight and performant API-oriented HTTP framework








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