Maeum is RESTful API server boilerplate using fastify.js. Maeum don't implement wrapper function and don't change fastify.js architecture. Instead of change, static code generation using tool-chain. Maeum goal is below.
- prefer use function
- use static code generation and have to do static code analysis
- effort consistency of DTO interface, validation, swagger document
- effort more readable, more clear architecture
- don't use wrapper function, don't change fastify architecture
express.js and koa.js, nest.js are good framework. But express.js don't support async/await handler(Also you can use by simple middleware implement or using express-async-handler). fastify.js show good performance and rich feature like json-schema validation, auto generate swagger document, etc. Also fastify.js is unopinionated web framework!
Maeum flow fastify.js architecture. And use fully fastify.js feature, for example json-schema validation and swagger documentation, routing. Maeum offer same way to same feature.
# Clone the boilerplate:
git clone --depth=1 your-project-name
cd your-project-name
npm install
# run develop mode
npm run dev
# run develop mode with route, json-schema watch mode
npm run devs
Maeum auto generate route.ts file using directory structure. For example, handler/get/v1/poke-detail
directory structure generated below.
export default function routing(fastify: FastifyInstance): void {
Maeum using fast-maker. fast-maker using TypeScript compiler API(via ts-morph). fast-maker help to every developer working same way.
Maeum using simple-tjscli. simple-tjscli using TypeScript compiler API(via ts-morph). simple-tjscli generate json-schema using ts-json-schema-generator. It using chokidar, watch your dto directory. If it detect add file or change file after generate json-schema. json-schema using for validation and documentation. DTO interface conversion is powerfull mechanics keep consistency DTO interface and validation,
You can see auto generated json-schema IReqPokeDetail and IPokemon.
Same mechanics validation.
Test using fastify.js e2e test function(= inject). You can see example name.test.ts
Maeum flow functional architecture. Every functional stage will be integrate pipe operator
graph TD
A02[Request<BR /> JSONSchema validation]
A03[Data Transfer Object]
A04[Data Process function]
A05[Response<BR /> JSON serialization function]
A06[Response<BR /> JSONSchema validation]
A02-->|Request, Validation Result|A03
A03-->|Request, Validation Result,<BR /> Transfered Data|A04
A04-->|Request, Validation Result,<BR /> Transfered Data, Response JSON|A05
A05-->|Response JSON|A06
using json-schema. fastify.js do this stage.
using TypeScript interface.
You have to do implement business logic like that.
You have to do implement business logic like that
using json-schema. fastify.js do this stage.