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The backup utility

This modular backup utility will help you backup what's essential to you in a few keystrokes!

Overall data structure

to be used in data.yml

data.yml is expected to host the Data interface. Here is a sample, more details about certain types can be found later on.

apps: # `App[]`
  - id: firefox # Short, concise name
    name: Mozilla Firefox # Full name, to be displayed on terminal
    install: # `Install | Install[]`, all available installs are noted down below
      type: packagemanager
      value: # `Record<PackageManagers, string>`
        all: firefox
    move: # Move[]
      - glob: # string | PlatformDependant
          unix-like: ~/.mozilla/firefox/*.default-release
          win32: '%UserProfile%/AppData/Roaming/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles/*.default-release' # You won't be able to use Illegal Characters
        deleteNew: true # Deletes all occurences of glob above before copying the new ones over

  - glob: ''


as defined per types.ts

File Tree

Relevant files in the file tree

backup/             # The root directory
├─data.yml          # The relevant data for the backup
├─dist              # Compiled JS + D.TS files
└─src               # Source directory
  ├─backup          # Contains files for backup
  │ ├─backup.ts     # The main core of backup
  │ ├─defaults.ts   # Tweak with backup defaults here
  │ └─program.ts    # CLI implementation and options
  ├─types.ts        # Types documented in #types
  └─utils.ts        # Utils for the programs

What's to come

  • a (web based?) GUI to make configs
  • use as npm package


Backs up my system






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